Chapter 4

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I awoke to my father, he was hitting me because I was waking up late. He left my room, I groggily got dressed and made my way to school without breakfast. I walked in as shuichi eyed me as I sat down. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back and that worried me. I looked out the window And at the town when I heard the teacher "Kokichi? Kokiiiccchhhhhiiiii?" She asked "Hm?" I finally replied. "What's the answer to number 7?" I shrugged my shoulders avoiding eye contact "I don't know." I could tell she disaprovingly shook her head as I heard her footsteps walk closer to me. "Why, you don't even have your textbook open." I finally looked at her and she gasped. I actually didn't mind my teacher she was usually very nice and would try and get everyone into learning. This time she gave me the most worried look and grabbed me by the and I pulled it back hissing with pain. I could tell she was peicing everything together in her head. "Kokichi, please follow me" I looked at shuichi and he showed no emotion so I followed after her as we went to her desk. I heard the class whispering about me as I'd never been at the front of the class. "Send someone up to cover my lesson, I have an emergency with a child." She started taking me out the classroom but before she did I stopped and I whispered something in her ear. "Oh alright" She said " Shuichi, come with us please" He got up from his desk and followed us closely behind. She took us into the bathroom since there was no nurses office because if you couldn't tell apart from miss this was a really bad school. I noticed she had taken her bag with her as she rolled up my sleeves and and trouser legs which revealed the endless amounts of abuse and self abuse. She got out a cotton bud and started to clean up the wounds and finished by dabbing it on my face "Who did this?" She asked. I pointed to myself recalling what my father told me. "If anyone finds these you tell them, you did it to yourself" But as if she could see right through me she asked "Did someone tell you to say that?" I nodded. "Who?" She asked as I pointed in the direction of my home. She nodded "Unfortunately there isn't much I'm able to do as this school wants to stay out of the public eye. Just tell me if they hurt you again". I nodded, as we walked back into the classroom and I sat back in my chair and class went back to normal. I felt a peice of paper hit the back of my head and I picked it up 'You suck' another hit my head and I saw kaito throw it. 'Stop making people feel sorry for you' Then I saw miu throw one at me 'Man whore' Shuichi took the notes from me and smirked. He stood up and walked over to their table. "Shuichi what are you doing?" Miss asked. "Yeah, Poo-ichi what are you doi-" miu started but she stopped talking and started choking as blood poured from her throat and miss typed something on her computer before trying to restrain him. He had a knife in his hand as he stabbed her in the leg and then turned to kaede, she seemed terrified as she attempted to run but he grabbed her by the hair and repeated to slam her head on the desk until she fell limp. Kaito attempted to fight back but he was no match to a knife, the knife connected with his stomach and he screamed out. Rantaro was shaking while trying to call the police "911/999 what's your emergency?" Shuichi slapped the phone from his hand as it broke and he stabbed rantaro in the hand making him scream and fall to the floor in agony. Then it was over, shuichi was slammed against the wall and knocked unconscious by maki, she never spoke, never fought anyone she would just watch, and here she was, detaining shuichi. I stood "W-what's going to happen to him?" I asked. "H-he'll be arrested" miss spoke clutching her leg. My eyes widened and I felt a rush of adrenaline as I ran pushing maki and she didn't stop me. I grabbed shuichi and ran out the classroom hearing miss calling my name from the classroom. I also heard footsteps behind me but I didn't turn around. I ran out the school with blood getting all over me from shuichi. I still heard the footsteps. Who's following us? When I got to his house I turned around and came face to face with maki. "Leave us alo-" She interrupted me "-Shuichi saihara, from the former school spring field academy (Yes, that was his actual former school), was expelled for attempted murder and an peculiar obsession with despair and making anyone he knows feel it. Also worships danganronpa and the queen of despair, junko enoshima." She said. She went into his pocket and took out keys and opened it. I walked in and she did the same shutting the door behind us. I put him on his sofa. "H-how do you know this?" I asked. "I know a lot" She shut all the blinds and stood near me. I saw shuichi start to wake up. Maki ran over to knock him out again but he grabbed her arm. "S-stop" I said, grabbing them and pulling them away from each other. "Leave" He said to maki. "I don't trust you" He smirked and laughed. "Then leave" she glared at him. "Fine" She made her way out, and just like that, She was gone. Shuichi's smirk turned into a pleasant smile. "Wanna come to my room?" He asked. I nodded. I wanted to ask about what happened but I didn't want to make him angry. We walked to his room and it had a wall covered in danganronpa posters. I hear a click from behind me as I realise he locked the door. I went to turn around but everything went black.

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