Chapter 5

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Yeet back into the chat. Cough.

Kokichi POV
I wake up feeling restrained as I realised I'm sitting on his floor, cuffed to his bed. He's no where in sight so I assume he went somewhere. I sigh. I see that book he's been writing in stashed under his bed, so I pick it up. I turn to the first page.

Alright, I can't express myself in real life, I'll express myself in a book.

I'm obssesed with ouma kokichi and despair. I want to make him feel it. I want that so bad. I want him to be mine.


There's a white haired boy. Kiibo. He's a robot. I can disassemble him easily. He's worthless garbage. He talked to kokichi, I want him thrown away. Disposed of.

Kokichi's my subject now. I don't want to wait any longer to feel his insides and hear him scream my name in agony and pleasure. But I can't. Not yet. I just want to test him, tease him, just so I know what things get the better reaction.

If I bite him he'll whimper
Boosts my confidence by 17%

P.s he's never pleasured himself  before and gets embarrassed.

He won't stop me when I give him a BJ but still gets embarrassed and flustered.

Holding his hand doesn't do much, he gets uncomfortable, but his hands are soft.
Increases the warm fluttery feeling by 8%

He'll get flustered if I feed him with my mouth.
Doesn't affect much, just another way to feed him

He'll blush and want me more if I tease him by hovering my lips over his.
Increases lust by 6%

I'm gonna kill those bullies. I'll kill them. I'll kill them. They deserve to die. I'll slit their throats.

I put the book back under his bed. I now knew what he was thinking all that time. He's been obsessed with me? Also most of this isn't in exact order but I guess he's all over the place. I was starting to understand how his mind worked, anything he sees, he'll see the despair side of it. Also he's been testing my best reactions, it seems it's for his own gain due to the percentages. My thoughts we're interrupted by the door opening and shuichi walking in. He sat in front of me. "Let's talk" Is all he said. "Who do you live with?" I stayed quiet for a moment. "My mum, and my dad." He grabbed his book from under the bed. "You read my book?" I shook my head. "Beloved, you don't need to lie to me." I nodded. "You like my system?" I nodded again and he sat on my legs so he was towering above me due to him being 5'8 and me being 5'1. "Do you like this?" He whispered into my ear as his hand slithered slowly up my thigh. I slowly and timidly nodded. His hand reached my crotch as he started gently rubbing me through the fabric "Tell me, how much do you like this?" I held in a moan as much as possible. "I-I really like i-it." I breathlessly said. "You really like it?" He said, his rubs getting faster and harder. "Ngh, Y-yeah...I-I Do." I responded, I felt my cheeks getting hot and my pants started to tighten as the restriction made me uncomfortable. Suddenly I felt his hand stop and it made me whine, I looked up to his face and he seemed like he was enjoying this, a lot. He had a huge smirk "How about we do something more, How about I feel your insides, your scream, your beg, your touch" My heart sank, I wasn't ready for this at all. "W-wait, I-I don't want to, I-I've never done this before." He just kept his wide smirk as he reached down to his pants and slowly undid them. "S-stop. Y-you don't have to, I said I don't want it. I-I'm scared." He pulled down his boxers revealing his huge member, eager for attention. "Don't be afraid, You'll want so much more when I'm done with you. You'll be begging me to be inside you." He softly spoke as he began to stroke his member. "N-no. I don't want to." He then pinned me against the wall with force. "You will let me inside you. You'll be screaming my name. As I cum inside you You'll be filled with ecstasy and despair. You will want more. I'll fuck you senseless. Yet, that still wouldn't be enough." I coward against the wall because of his sudden outburst. "P-please. D-don't do it. I-I don't want t-to hurt" He just smirked and continued rubbing himself until he felt ready. "I can't wait to feel your insides. I could just climax right now, but I'd just make you lick it all up." His thinking was then interrupted by knocks on the door. He growled as he pulled up his pants and made his way out the room. I sighed in relief that whoever was at the door had saved me from possible rape. I heard a noise from outside the bedroom window and brushed it off as a tree or something. Until I heard a voice "Kokichi?" I looked over and saw kiibo at the window. "Kiibo! What are you doing here?! Be careful!" I realised he had climbed up on a plant fence that was on the side of the house. "Maki told me where you were and everything that happened. I just wanted to come check on you." I sighed. "I'm fine, just go before he gets back." He gave me a confused look. "Don't you want to be rescued?" My expression went blank and so did my stare. "U-uh, no, I-I'm fine with regular checkups" He made a sassy face "Why?" How was I suppose to say this. Actually I didn't say anything. "Kokichi, Do you like him?"

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