Chapter 10

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I slowly look at the shoes, brown boots. I slowly look up. Black and red. "Red is like the colour of blood. Is it red, or black." The girl stares down at me and then grabs my hair and lifts me up. "So did you finally decide what's good for you?" I stare back at her. "I think its pink. Do you wanna see?" She glares at me and let's me fall back to the ground and begins to walk away. I roll onto my back and watch her walk away. "Wait! Wait! Please!" She continues to walk away as her black hair in drooping pigtails sways with her movements. "I'm sorryyyyy" I begin to cry. "Please maki. I don't know who I am anymore." She stops but doesn't turn around. "I... I need help..." she turns around. "No shit you do. Shuichi has you kidnapped and yet when you're offered help, you turn it away. I want nothing to do with you." I roll onto my stomach and crawl to her. "Please, please, you gotta save me. You gotta help me now. I need help, I admit it. What more do you want me to say?" Maki huffs. "Get up. Now." I nod and get to my feet as I look at her. She looks at me for a second and then grabs my arm, walking me somewhere. "Where are we-" she looks back at me "-shush!" We walk for a while until we arrive at her house and she takes me inside and sits me on the couch and puts some food infront of me before walking to the phone. I begin to eat the food as I listen to what she's saying. "Hi. Kiibo, you have to come here now because the idiot is with me right now and I don't want him." She puts the phone down and crosses her arms leaning against the wall watching me. I look at her "Why do you hate me so much?" She raises an eyebrow. "Because you're stupid. And you get Stockholm syndrome faster than I can be bothered to care about it. I only brought you back because kiibo was so worried about you." I nod slowly and smile. "That kinda felt like a compliment." Maki then starts walking to her room. "Only you would think that. Wait until kiibo gets here. If he doesn't come tonight then crash on my sofa but don't disturb me, or I will hurt you." I nod and sit there quietly. "Shuichi won't be happy about this. I'm a little scared. He said he would hunt me down. But I don't want to be hunted down." I walk to the windows and close the curtains. "I feel a little safer now. Or I don't know." I lay back on the sofa. "He was nice to me back when we were at school. Everything would have been okay if it stayed that way. Everything is so complicated now."

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