Chapter 9

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So uh. I'm back. I took a break and then the break became more than a break. This is short but I'll hopefully be able to write more in upcoming chapters. Thanks for everyone being patientttt, I don't know what else to say so have this short chapter 9. ^-^ p,s I'm quite sure I made kokichi have an existential crisis in this.

Kiibo POV
"I'm worried about him" I said to maki. "Don't you dare get involved. He's dangerous" She shot me a glare. "What happened to the others?" I asked. "Miu died immediately. Kaede died in hospital. Kaito also died immediately. Rantaro survived but refuses to come to school so he's homeschooled now." Maki replied. "Maki, I want to help them" She slammed me against a wall drawing attention to us. "If you get involved with them I'm not coming to save you!" She let me go and walked away. I looked down and sighed. "I don't know" I mumbled to myself.

Kokichi POV
I slowly opened my eyes cuddled close to shuichi. I rolled to my side staring at the wall full of posters. Why am I here again? I felt a tightness on my hair as my neck jerked back. "What are you doing?" Shuichi whispered into my ear. "Looking at your wall." I felt his tongue against my neck and I attempted to move my head forward but the grip tightened making me gasp. "Where are you trying to go?" He muffled against the skin of my neck. "I don't know" I replied. "If you don't know where you're going, then don't leave." He bit down on my neck, making me whimper. "A-aren't school or p-police trying to find us?" I questioned. "probabbly not." He shrugged. "Why?" I asked. "The school is so caught up in trying to keep their reputation, they won't say anything to the police. They'll probabbly describe it as a freak accident." I slowly nodded. "O-oh" He let me go and got up and dressed. "I'm going to work. If you leave, I will hunt you down." I nod and watch him walk out. I sigh. "What have I done?" I slowly lift myself up and walk out of the room. 'Should I try to escape?' I looked around at every detail. 'What's wrong with me?' I looked at the clock. 'It kept ticking! Just like how my heart keeps beating! and my thoughts won't stop until...' my head slowly twisted and looked at the mirror. 'Is this madness?' I looked at a picture of myself that he had. 'That boy was weak. So why do I fight to be him again.' I found the key and opened the window as I climbed out and continued to walk slowly. 'Am I escaping?' I put my hands out towards the sky. A few passing people looked at me weirdly, I looked back at them blankly as I started walking and soon I started running. I didn't understand why. Why was I escaping and why am I questioning myself about escaping. I tripped over something and tumbled to the ground as I grip my head tightly. I heard footsteps. Is it him? I knew he'd find me. I don't really feel sad about it. But I need to find my old self. How did I used to act? The footsteps stopped right next to my head. Such irregularities in the footsteps.

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