Taking What's His - Chapter 24

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{ Delilah's POV }

I had gotten used to the striking feeling of trepidation whenever one of them was near, so it was natural at this moment for me to speed up and try everything I could to get away from him. My gaze was focused on my review mirror, and as I saw him running towards me from a distance, his mouth open as if he was screaming, I sped up even more.

The blaring of a horn drew my gaze, and my foot stomped on the brake as a large 18-wheeler headed straight for me. My car let out an ear splitting screech, but it did not stop all the way. You know how in movies, when an accident or something is about to happen, everything goes in slow motion? Yeah, that's all a load of bullshit. Merely movie magic.

I didn't even see my life flash before my eyes. We merely collided, and as we did, it felt as if every bone in my body had broken. My head slammed against the steering wheel, and I could feel the sharp stabbing pain of glass impaling me as my windshield shattered. My car tilted and flipped, and as the back of the large truck hit me, it sent me spinning.

I was already numb by this time, my entire body acting as if my bones had turned to jelly, and in a far part of my mind, I wondered yet why I was not yet dead. At the very least my neck should have snapped with the way it violently snapped to the right in our first collision. Yet I was still alive, barely, but alive. When my poor car finally came to a stop--I was numb; shocked and paralyzed.

It took a moment for the pain to come, but when it did, an ear splitting shriek left my lips, my body writhing in pain as I struggled, still strapped to my seat. Every moment sent fire shooting through my veins, and I was finally reduced to soft sobs as I prayed for someone to help me, to rid me of this pain.

'Death would have been more preferable to what I suffer at this moment!'

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