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2 years prior { 1910 }

The two brothers casually strolled down the busy streets of Gwangju, avoiding the glares from fellow civilians passing by. Yuka couldn't help but pass glares back. He then glances back at his younger brother, Yutoro, as he focused on the yellow automobile flyer in his hands. 'In need for workers'

With a sigh, Yuka questions, "Are you sure this is the  job for us?"

Exchanging a small hum, Yutoro smirked, "You think too much, my brother." he chuckles.

"I think too much because I know too much." A cocky Yuka replies. Looking over at his brother, Yutoro smirks once again, raising his eyebrow, "Well-" he paused, "Do you know so much about this!"   Yutoro swiftly elbows Yuka's lower stomach before sprinting away, laughing.

"Yah! You bastard!"  Yuka growled through his teeth as he chases after his younger brother down the block until he finally founding Yutoro, staring up at some sort of old shop. Catching his breath, Yuka shoves Yutoro back, "You bastard!" he repeats as Yutoro just continues to laugh, as he looks back at the shop in front of him, reading the huge wooden sign.

'Kim's Automobile Shop'

This is the place Yutoro was looking for.

"Is this the place?" Yuka asks, Yutoro nods with a bright smile, Causing his older brother to yet again to sigh, "I don't know. What if things go wrong. Hell, what if they don't accept us?" 

Placing a reassuring smile on Yuka's shoulder, Yutoro's smile never left his face, "We might know much more about automobiles than those men in that shop."  he held up the yellow flyer before confidently walking into the shop, with Yuka slowly following behind.

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The younger men walk into the front of the shop, hearing the bell ring. They stood in front of the shop's counter as cigarette smoke filled the air. In seconds, they were greeted by an older man, wiping the oil on his already dirty overalls, "What can I do for you boys?" He puffs out the lasts of his cigar before throwing it out.

Yutoro glanced over at an already unimpressed Yuka. He then looks over at the old man before stating politely, "We are not here for our automobiles, sir. We would actually like to have a job here."  He hands the flyer to the old man, causing him to snatch it away from the young one's grip. The old man takes a small look at it, finally understanding. 

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