Theme 2: Marriage: Recipe for Failure? Lust: The New Love?

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This is probably THE talk of the century. Millennials are starting to disregard marriage because of high divorce rates. Do men only care about protecting their bank accounts these days? What about having someone to age with? What about that fairy tale ending? Is it all just that - a fairy tale? I don't get it. If earlier generations of couples have had successful marriages, why can't we? I mean, I only know one couple that hasn't made it.

So, what is it about marriage in this day and age that makes it so undesirable? Is it simply that men care more about protecting what's theirs, that is to say their money, than they care about romance? If so, that's probably connected to the fact that many men in their twenties only want sex, no emotional bond; no strings attached. Then there are women with their feminist views, preferring to ascend in their careers than have a man on their arm.

Is individual success sufficient for happiness these days? Do people not need a partner in crime anymore? What do they do, or what do they plan to do, when they want someone? Do they have random hookups? Hire prostitutes? Is that the kind of empty, undignified world we live in now? Or is that actually the more rewarding kind of life?

Is marriage not worth it anymore?
Is love only a burden?

Is lust the new love?

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