Theme 4: Love: Like a Plant?

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We all know love can be complicated. It would be so much easier if we could simply be with someone and love each other equally, naturally, forever. But it's not like charging your phone everyday.

Plants require a kind of nurture similar to raising a puppy. We forget to feed it for one day and it starts withering on us. We need to let it out in the sunlight everyday, yet not for too long. If we don't let it see the sunlight, it gets stressed or depressed.

Love seems to function in the same way. If we're not regularly reminded of the connection, we begin to lose interest. But too much affection can also be damaging, particularly if this affection is only, or mostly, coming from one side.

Is the secret to a successful, everlasting romance to treat the relationship like a puppy or plant?

And if we do this, will our feelings follow like it does for our puppy/plant? Or will we just grow tired?

Or perhaps zen buddhism is right in its concept of perishability. Perhaps all cherry blossom petals are bound to eventually fall.

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