Theme 5: Why We Fear the Single Life

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When you're in a relationship, do you ever stay just to avoid the single life?

Sadly, that's how I'm feeling right now. When I think of all the reasons why I should leave, I could think of a few but when I think of reasons I should stay, I always reach the conclusion that it's because I'm afraid. I am a coward. And it makes me feel so ridiculous. I mean, why should we fear being single?

Is it simply because we humans dread being alone? But we have friends and professors and colleagues that care about us. Aren't they more than enough?

Or is it because we're so sexually greedy and don't want to let go of the sex life we have right now, afraid we'll turn dry like a dead leaf?

Or is it both?

Perhaps you tried it once after a messy breakup. Perhaps you actually said, okay, I'm taking a break from dating, and actually did it. But then you realized it's just so much better to have someone.

So when we have someone really great we hold on no matter what doubts or worries we may have, because we're afraid of being single again or we're afraid we won't find anyone better.

Surely it's not fair to stay in a relationship just to avoid being single, is it not?

How can we get over the fear of and bitterness toward the single life?

Sidecar: Dating/Sex InquiriesWhere stories live. Discover now