:Chapter Three:

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I don't remember falling asleep, but I wake to the jolt of the bus stopping. Only a few other people are awake, more waking up now and then to whispers and not so graceful shuffling of feet. Soon though, everyone is up and excited to see our new "home". Bruce stands, and steps to the middle of the bus between the rows of seats.

"Ok every day one, we have arrived. I'd welcome you, but that's not quite who I am now is it?" I smirk as he keeps going. "These are the Preparation Grounds. You'll stay here for the next three weeks for us to see what you can do and determine your tribe and ranking. Highest ranked students well be the leaders, and will get first choice in jobs. There are more of you coming from the other divisions, tech and factory. You well all be ranked together. The lowest five well be leaving us at the end of these two weeks to go back to their old divisions to work as cleaners. Good luck to you all." He finishes, rolling his eyes.

We walk in a straight line out of the bus after Bruce. Since I'm in the back, I'm last. We reach a spot in the center of the trail and stop suddenly. There are buildings are up ahead, so this must be were we're picking up the new kids.

Shortly after we stop eight more people join us and melt into the line. There's twenty one of us now. We start to move again towards the buildings, merging into one line as we go.

When we reach a long stretch of small hut like. houses, Bruce starts separating people into random huts. Looks like four to a hut, except one is going to have to have five since there's twenty one of us. It's a matter of seconds before I'm standing right in front of Bruce.

"Two houses up, to your right." His grin looks almost evil as he says it. I walk up to the house and as soon as I turn to the door I know why Bruce was so cocky. Derrick is setting up his bed on the bottom bunk of the bed to the left of the room. The only remaining space is the top bunk across from him. I only recognize Clark, the red headed boy from my division, so the other boy must be new. Great. All boys. I think as I step in side..

Derrick turns and grins when he sees me. "Well, well! Look who decided to join us! Have you found your spine yet? You seemed pretty flimsy last time we talked." He grits.

I straighten my posture and glare at him. "Last I checked it was still buried in your neck. Or have you forgotten how that 'talk' ended?" I say smugly, then turn to my new bed. I find sheets, a blanket, and a pillow in a stack on top of my bed. Right under me is Clark, and across from me is the boy I don't know. After I make my bed I hop over the side and turn swiftly to face Clark. "Hi, my name is Lib." I smile, at him.

"I'm Clark." He says shyly. I open my mouth to say something when someone grabs my neck from the back and pulls me closer to them. Their hands have a firm hold on me, keeping me slightly off the ground. I claw at them vigorously as I feel my face start to turn red.

"Hey stop that! Let her go Derrick, it's not funny!" Clark stands and pushes Derrick of me. I drop to the floor choking, attempting to soothe the nail marks in my neck with my hand. My breaths sputter and I cough while I try to pull in as much air as I can. Clark glares at Derrick then helps me up. My face is still red and I'm still having trouble pulling in breaths when Bruce walks in, Matthew a few feet behind him. He looks worried when I catch his eye, but I turn away before he can say anything. Bruce looks at me and smirks.

"You just got here and you're already trying to escape? Maybe you won't make it as far as they thought you would." Bruce says flatly causing Derrick to smile, even laughing a little. I feel a pain in my stomach.

"This will be your home for the next three weeks. The rules are simple and few. No coming out before 5:00 am and no going out after 9:00 pm. You are to report to the main building at 7:00 in the morning for breakfast then training. Training ends at 7:00, you will have an hour of free time, then dinner and bed. Tests will be three weeks from today, so be prepared. That's all, can you do that?" He finishes clinically, leaving his eyes free of emotion.

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