:Chapter Twenty-Three:

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Matthew says I panic too much, all he needs is a new bandage, but I still feel like if he dies his blood is on my hands. Matthew's movements are swift and precise as they glide around Nick's torso, unwrapping the old cloth. It only takes him a second to find a new bandage and he immediately begins tying it. Nick groans and digs his nails into his palms so hard it draws blood. I have to look away, biting my bottom lip viciously. When the commotion begins to settle, I sit down in my seat let myself relax, resting my head on the back of my seat and looking up at the roof of the bus. Matthew sits beside me, but I don't look down. In my peripheral vision I see his hands, freshly washed and still a little wet. He had to scrub Nick's blood off before it dried. So much blood.

"Hey." He says quietly, setting a hand on my upper back below my neck. I don't look at him, I just sigh and let my eyes close.

"He's going to be okay. When we stop we can get him some medical help." Matthew brushes the hair from my ear and whispers, than kisses me lightly on the cheek. I lower my head to face him and clench my jaw. It's past nine now, and I'm more tired than I have been all day. I slide closer to him and rest my head sideways on his shoulder.

"I can't think about that right now, I need sleep." I yawn. He laughs faintly and sets a hand on my head and plays with my hair, twirling it around his fingers. I let my eyes close again and fall asleep while he massages my head slowly.


I wake up late. I must have been very tired to sleep through breakfast, it's nearly 11:00 now. Lunch is in less than an hour. I run a hand through my greasy hair and smooth it over to the sides till I get a straight part.

"Look who's finally up." Matthew chants happily and walks over to me, kissing my on the forehead. I smile and let my hands dip to his waist and I pull at the hem of his shirt. He sighs and kisses my temple, using one hand to brush my shaggy hair to the side.

"I can't believe I missed a meal." I shake my head and move my hands to his upper arms, resting just below his shoulders. He looks over his shoulder to make sure no one's watching, then kisses my softly on the lips, and I instantly kiss him back. When we pull back, he laughs by my cheek and pulls a chocolate granola bar from behind him. I feel my face light up as I quickly snatch the food from his hand. My fingers fumble with the wrapper and I pull the food out of its inedible shell.

"How is it?" Matthew smiles at me as I take a big bite. I just nod at him and take another bite. It tastes like, well, chocolate. The sun is hidden today, casting shadows over everything. Rain falls lightly around us, tapping against the roof of the bus. It takes me a minute to realize the bus is stopped. No one moves, but the doors are open. I finish my food and walk down the aisle to the front of the bus, Matthew close at my heels.

"Are we allowed out?" I ask without turning to face him.

"I guess. We're just stopped for fuel, probably only off the road for a fifteen minutes or so." He shrugs and I skid down the stairs and off the bus into the rain.

It pours hard out here, soaking my hair almost instantly. It needed to be washed anyway. Plus I haven't been outside in days. I spin, letting my shoes soak in the water from the ground and laugh. Finally, I can run. I think as I let my feet carry me into a small field and I take in the fresh smell of new air. Plant growth, fresh rain and all the other calming smells of spring. I hear Matthew's footsteps behind me, gaining quickly - his feet come down just as mine lift.

I laugh heartily and run faster, ignoring my freezing, bare arms. I push myself forward, taking bigger steps and breathing heavily. Matthew laughs behind me and grabs my shoulders to slow me down. He spins me around and leans into kiss me, but I raise a finger in front of his mouth. He stops and I wrap my arm around his neck, trapping him in a headlock. Or so I thought.

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