:Chapter Eleven:

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Matthew leads me down a trail I haven't seen before, the same direction I saw the lake I think. The path is long, but my attention is on him. He walks with such swift and strong movements - it's captivating.

He takes a sharp left turn, pulling me by my hand with him. I see the lake shining in the moonlight in front of us. It looks bigger from the ground then it did in the tree. We stop by an old tree with a rope swing hanging from one of the only branches the tree has. Grass grows in thick patches on the ground leading down the short slope to the lake. I can't stop a smile from spreading on my face. I feel his eyes on me but I don't look over.

"I take it that you like it?"

I nod. I need a distraction from reality, and this place seems fake. I flash him a smile and run down the slope with him on my heels. I reach the tree with the swing and laugh. I kick off my shoes and walk in the sand to the rope swing. The air is warm and the lighting is perfect, it's like a dream. I look up at Matthew and grin before dipping my toes in the water. It wraps itself around my foot like silk and I giggle.

"Let's swim!" I say turning to Matthew. He laughs and raises an eyebrow at me.

"In our clothes?" He he smirks at me and I pull my lips in and shrug.

"You're right... What the hell!" I smile and pull my shirt over my head, tossing it over by another nearby tree. "Everyone else has seen me shirtless right?"  I shrug as I run to the swing. I pull it back and throw all my weight onto the thin rope, swinging over the lake. The last thing I see before I crash into the water is Matthew laughing.

I force my head above the water and wipe the hair from my eyes smiling. My jeans are heavy, but the baggage the day is gone, making me lighter than ever. Matthew is laughing back at the tree.

"Come on! The water's nice and warm!" I yell while I swim in place. He pulls his shirt over his head and throws it to the side, near mine. It's hard to keep from staring as he grabs the rope and swings into the water by me, sending a wave over my head. I go under and come back up coughing and laughing. He wipes the water from his eyes and swims over to me.

"You were right, this water is warm." he remarks looking at me. I laugh and nod. 

"I bet I can swim faster than you." He says raising an eyebrow.

I splash him and snort, "no way. I've been swimming in ponds my entire life!" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"We'll if you think you can beat me, then-" he starts swimming suddenly towards the other side that's maybe a half a mile away.

"Hey no fair!" I yell swimming after him. He laughs and starts to swim faster. I catch up slowly, but soon I'm right beside him. Water sprays in my face as I push myself ahead, stretching out my arm to move a piece of seaweed that's in my way. He gets to the point where he can touch sooner since he's taller, but I'm right behind him. I start to run through the water, not even thinking about how stupid I must look. Laughing, I put out an arm to keep him behind me. I reach land with a start, falling on my face. I'm covered in sand. Matthew falls to his knees beside me laughing.

"You look like an idiot!" He laughs, sitting down beside me.

"Whatever, I still win!" I say sitting up and wiping the sand from my cloths.

"Rematch!" He says looking determined. I stand up and rinse myself in about two feet of water.

"Fine." I say and I dive, swimming as fast as I can. Underwater I see him splashing behind me. I come up for air and he is right beside me. 

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