:Chapter Fifteen:

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"Favorite color?" I ask as we walk past my tree.

"Light, minty-green. You?" She smiles. Her answer surprises me, for such a Tomboy she kind of picked a girly color. I have to think for a minute about mine, even though when the answer does come it seems obvious.

"Forest green. More like, all green. Like the trees. All the different shades melted into one, it's like a symphony of color." I say staying at the trees and their peaceful swaying in the wind.

"I guess I don't have to ask where your favorite place is!" She laughs. "How about... Oh I know. Are you seeing anyone?" She says smiling and making a kissy face. 

"I'm not blind, I see people all the time." I say dodging the question.

"I mean in your time. Who's the mystery that is Liberty-er-Lib, spending her free time with?"

I give her an innocent questioning look. "Well right now, you!"

She slaps her hand on her forehead as I say that. "Dammit Lib." She says shaking her head. "I know you're not this innocent." She says squeezing the bridge of her nose with her pointer finger and her thumb. I'd think she was mad if I didn't see her smile peeking out from behind her hand.

"Fine. I'm single." 

She lowers her hand and looks at me for a second, than straight forward. "Saw that coming." My mouth drops open.

"Hey!" I say half scowling half smiling at her. She just laughs.

We walk and talk for an hour or so before it's time for dinner. Fights took longer today, but we get the next two days off, so no one can complain. I wave goodbye to Hanna and walk back to the yard. I don't know why, or what I expect to do while I'm there, but my feet seem to carry me towards it. As soon as I walk in I see Matthew on the far corner putting something away. My eyes seem to find him first and foremost no matter where I am. Maybe I've always liked him, even before I knew he so much as existed. I walk towards him, but he doesn't see me coming because he's facing a shelf on the edge of the wall. I stop about a foot behind him and grab his waist suddenly to watch him jump. He turns around abruptly, looking startled.

"What the hell Lib, announce your arrival!" He says putting a hand on his heart and leaning into the wall. I just smile at him. I didn't know it was possible, but he looks even better than normal in this light. When he's calmed down he stands up straight and walks towards me, putting his hands on my shoulders asks pulling my forehead towards him so that he can kiss me gently. "How's your nose?" I slide my hands up so they rest on his arms. So strong yet gentle. Like he could snap a tree in half but hold an egg and a rock in the same hand without breaking the shell.

"Better. Still ugly, but what can I really do about that." I say frowning a little.

"Oh whatever." He rolls his eyes. 

I can't help starting at him. His eyes always seem to captivate me. The vast sea of green memorizes me. I should probably focus on his other features more, but in reality none of them compare. He smiles at me, though I've been staring at him for too long. His hands move up my neck to the sides of my face and he presses his lips against mine. There's still over a foot between us. That's too much space. I think lowering my hands to his waist and pulling him closer to me. I hope he's okay with this. To be honest I'm not sure if I'm okay with this. I kiss him back, though I'm sure I'm not good at it. His nose brushes mine and one of his arms fall from my cheek to the small of my back. My whole body straightens at the touch, like a weight has been lifted, freeing me. His hand is strong, I can feel him pulling at parts of my shirt fabric, stretching it out a little then dropping it. I breathe in his scent and smile. After a minute he backs away, but only enough to see my eyes. His other hand moves behind my back and he clasps his hands together, keeping me in place. I wouldn't move either way though. I slide my hands slowly up his shirt and leave them planted lightly on his chest.

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