:Chapter Ten:

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Derrick responds immediately, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, holding me in place. He's not like he usually is - this time he's more... Gentle. I stand frozen for a minute before I remember what's happening and I pull back. He finds my eyes instantly and watches me carefully while I stand frozen.

"Give me my clothes." I say weakly, looking at the ground, trying to avoid his piercing eyes. He nods, slowly sliding his hand off of my neck and walking over to his bunk. He pulls my clothes -  now neatly folded instead of in a clump of fabric, and walks back to me.

"A deals a deal." Is all he says, maintaining eye contact and handing me the stack of clothes. I take them and flash a half smile before turning to walk out. Right before I get out of the door, I hear him say, "I knew you were into me."

I walk back the the bathrooms and change into my red shirt and skinny jeans with multiple pockets going down the legs. The pockets are not helpful yet, as I have no belongings, but will be soon. I walk out of the bathroom and head to the breakfast hall after dropping off my clothes at the cabin.

I spot Nick and Shawn sitting near the back of the room. Nick smiles and waves my over as I grab my tray. The air is crisp and warm today, even in the shade it's hot enough for shorts. Which is odd since it's been so cold lately. I walk to the table and sit down next to Nick.

"Hey!" He says smiling. Shawn is on the other side of him, hurriedly stuffing his face with food.

"Hey." I reply setting down my tray. Breakfast today is fried eggs and strips of bacon. I love bacon.

"Would you rather be ten feet tall or two feet tall?" Shawn asks smiling.

"Two feet for sure." Says Nick nodding and looking at me.

"Being my short self I have to say ten feet... maybe then I could reach something..." I say smiling.

Shawn nods. "Ten." Nick opens his mouth in shock.

"Unbelievable! Are you guys serious?!" He says loudly.

"Ten feet is way better than two feet!" Shawn says punching Nicks shoulder. They break into a full out friendly fight. Boys. I think while I finish off my bacon.


We walk to training laughing at Nick's black eye. "You're like, five feet taller than him!" I laugh, "how did he win!?" Nick frowns at me, holding an ice pack to his head.

"I didn't lose." He says looking over to face me. I breakout laughing again when I see his face. Shawn walks a ways back with an official, in case he decides to 'fight' again. I don't think the guards realize they were playing, I guess they didn't care after the black eye.

"Then why are you the one with the black eye and he's the one with an official?" I say tilting my head and raising an eyebrow in question.

"He didn't give me this I fell." He says frowning.

"He pushed you." I say over my shoulder as I walk ahead.

"No I just happened to fall at the same time that he bumped into me with his hands." He says from behind as I reach the yard and walk over to where we usually stand. Matthew walks in behind me, brushing my shoulder with his hand as he passes but avoiding my eyes. I stand straighter, my heart pounding against my ribs. When he reaches the middle of our side, he turns around and his eyes lock with mine. They remind me of the woods outside my house in the summer. A new shade in not each tree, but each individual leaf. I look away and watch the others pile through the gate. Derrick's eyes catch mine for a second and he smirks before looking back at Theo. I haven't seen him since this morning, I've been keeping my distance as best I can. It takes me a minute to remember why I hate him. He makes me feel small, like a baby rabbit facing a grown wolf. An unfair fight, but not for long. I turn and look back at Matthew. I'm happier when I look at him. "Today is our last day of practice. Tomorrow we will start the fights. Each of you will go up against each of them. First one to be pinned on the ground for ten seconds loses. Today we're going to practice fighting within our group. Everyone find a partner." He says standing tall with his arms folded in front of him. I instantly look over to Nick. I don't think I could beat him in a fight usually, but with the black eye I might be able to. Besides, it's only practice - it doesn't mean anything.

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