:Chapter Six:

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The trip back seems longer, less eventful. When we get back, it's already 5:00, so our free time starts immediately. I pack my things under my blanket and start walking to the trail I found yesterday. The sun seems to be setting sooner and sooner lately, dimming my light almost completely by the time I get back. I walk back to my cabin and sit on my bed, thinking about today. To my surprise, Kelly walks in after a little while and makes a face at me.

"I've been looking for you everywhere!" She half yells.

I smile at her. "Hello to you to Kelly."

I rest my head on the outside of the bed look at her. She frowns and opens her eyes wide. "What happened to you?" She says rushing to the end of the bed. I hop over the side and land Shakily on the ground.

"Oh you know..." I say half smiling. She looks apprehensive, but keeps talking anyways.

"Dinner is in five minutes, fo you wanna eat with me?" I shake my head.

"I don't know Kel, I'm not good at talking to people and you kind of hang out in big groups..." I say hesitantly. She shows me her watch talking on the time. I must have fallen asleep, we're late for dinner right now.

"You gotta decide fast... Actually, you'll be fine let's go." She say rolling her eyes and grabbing my by the arm, practically pulling me out of the room. We walk to the dining area and stand in line.

"Long time no see!" She says cheerfully.

I smile, "yeah, where have you been?" Her hair falls in soft curls down her shoulders and her whole face lights up when she smiles. She really is beautiful.

"On if my cabin mates accidentally locked us in.What have I missed?"

I frown, "nothing really. You were locked in there for two days? Who found you? Are you okay?"

She nods her head and smiles, "no! I missed shopping day!!" She shrieks and I laugh. We get our food and sit down in the middle of the table by her cabin mates. All girls. I don't understand most of what they're talking about, so I zone out almost immediately.

I look around at all the people here. Only 20 left. I think. I lock eyes with Matthew across the table for a second, then turn back to Kelly, who is ranting about dress colors.


After dinner we go straight to bed. Bruce says something about "Needing extra sleep for tomorrow". I climb up into my bunk and snuggle under the blankets.

"Getting comfortable?" Derrick spits. I put my head on my pillow. "Aww, are you sleepy?" He mocks. I'm too tired to argue right now, and Clark agreed to watch my back so hopefully I can get some sleep tonight. "So your just gonna ignore me and pretend you're worth more than you are? You sad excuse for a-"

Clark cuts him off, "Derrick stop." I shift over in my bed. His words shouldn't bother me, but they do. Why does everyone think I'm weak?

I wake up in a bad mood. My hair's a mess and I have a throbbing headache. Derrick is already up and getting dressed, along with Theo. The more I look the more I realize that Derrick isn't ugly. With a strong build, broad shoulders and high cheekbones. Short dirty blond hair, and ocean blue eyes. He's like the picture of what a lot of girls go for. Theo on the other hand is very homely. Scrawny with oily blond hair that goes past the end of his neck, almost completely hiding his brown eyes. Derrick catches me staring and grins.

"Well look who's up!" He says pulling a red t-shirt over his head. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was being nice. But I do know him. "We're all changed and ready, why don't you change?" He smirks. I roll my eyes and slide out of bed, landing softly on the floor below. I changed late last night to avoid this exact situation.

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