:Chapter Five:

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I can't feel my hand, I just watch it shake. Matthew sets me down on a comfortable chair then walks into another room. When he comes back, the tears are gone from my eyes and I can see much better.

"I got some ice." He says as he sits beside me.

"I'm fine really." I lie. He puts the ice in my hand anyway and I smile.

"Are you?" He asks searching my eyes for something. I want to tell him how sleeping in the same room as Derrick is killing me even though it's only been one night, but I don't.

"Yeah, I'm just tired..." I say as the worry resurfaces in his face.

"Are you sure? You could've taken him down in the cafeteria but you didn't, why?" He asks gently.

"I don't see the point in it. It won't change anything. Especially since we share a cabin now, I don't see the point in pissing him off more." I shrug.

He leans in a little, keeping eye contact. "I think if you stop fighting it will only get worse."

I see my reflection across the room and I frown. In the mirror I look like I got into a huge fight. Bruised cheekbone, swollen neck and my hand is still bright red. I have bags under my eyes from not sleeping and my hair is a knotted mess. Inside I am a wreck too.

I turn around to face Matthew again. "I need to get back before they give out points."

He nods, "okay, we should probably get going then. Do you want me to stay with you?" Yes.

"No it's okay, I got this." I say as I stand up.

"That's my girl." He smiles. Did  he just call me his girl? I set the ice pack down on the counter and walk to the door, lightly rubbing my injured hand.

"Thank you again for your help, I'll see you later." I turn and walk out the door, the last thing I hear is him yelling.

"Unless you go blind, that's very likely!"


I jog to the main building and stand right outside the doors. For longer then I need to. It takes a minute to gather up the courage to take that first step. I push the door open and walk in looking at no one in particular as I move towards the food line.

"Excuse me, I dropped my food earlier and I need a new meal. Can I have a plate please?" I ask but she last just stares.

"What's-, yeah, yes sure here you go sweetie." She stutters and hands me a plate. I walk over to where Clark is sitting, keeping a blank face and avoiding eye contact.

Breakfast seems both to short, as I don't have enough time to finish my food, and to long since everyone stares at me. They don't bug me as much as Derrick, who keeps the same awful smirk on his face as earlier. A look that would make grapes turn to raisins. I don't look his way once through breakfast though. Bruce steps up onto a makeshift stage in front of the table.

"Ok everybody!" He yells, slamming two trays together to get our attention. Everyone stops talking instantly. "This should be quick, we'll start with the boys. Will the boys from farm stand up." Clark, Derrick and four others stand up. "You each have 8 points to spend. We will be talking a road trip to a local store in 15 minutes, so sit still until then. Girls from farm please stand." Clark and the others shit back down as me and six other girls stand up. "You each have 10 points. Spend them wisely." My eyebrows raise in surprise as I sit back down. "Boys from tech. You have 15 points each." Fifteen?! "Girls have 18. Boys from factory please stand. You each have 5. Girls, you each have 6. We are leaving for the store in 10 minutes, clear your dishes and line up by the bus." With that he jumps of the stage and walks out, slamming the trays on the counter. I stand up with half the others and clear my dishes. Guess we know who the official's favorites are. I think as I walk to the bus line.

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