:Chapter Eight:

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After training I decide to walk through the woods. My whole body's in pain and I feel like I might cry, and if I cry, I do not want to be around people. I walk to a beautiful weeping willow and start to climb its branches till I reach one where I'm hidden. The branch is thick and long, with two branches by the side that keep me from falling off when I lay down. I sigh and watch the sun start to go down from near the top of the tree. I miss my old life. I miss my mom and my school. I hate the constant pain my body seems to be in lately, even if I can handle it. I hate being so weak. I take a deep breath in and push it out. I'm so tired, but I know I can't go to the hospital again, and Derrick is probably in my cabin.  It's probably my best option to just nap here, if I can fall asleep.

I wake up slowly, yawning and letting my eyes adjust to the light. I frown as I look at my watch. It's 8:34. I missed dinner. My stomach growls and I nearly fall out of the tree. I know they won't feed me if I don't get there fast. I run past the trees, back down the trail I came from, but I still don't get back to the breakfast hall until 8:50. The doors are shut. I'm too late. I sink down the wall and bury my head in my knees. Consider me starved. I think as I try to get rid of the pain in my stomach. We had a small lunch to avoid people throwing up. I sit there for a couple minutes before I hear someone approach me, but I don't look up until they talk.

"Lib?" It's Matthew. How looks amazing from this angle, in this lighting. The sun set makes his face look warmer and kinder, his hair is messed up and his jawline is starting to regrow the facial hair he shaved away. I wonder if he knows how handsome he is... I've been staring too long, goodness Lib,get your shit together. "What?" He asks smiling.

"Um, sorry what did you say?" My stomach hurts so bad I think for a second might have to cancel our training plans.

"I didn't see you at dinner." He says frowning. I stare blankly back at him.

"I um, needed some time by myself..." I say quietly.

He nods and offers a hand to help me up. I take it. "You must be starving." He smirks. I'm too weak from hunger to deny it, so I just nod. He puts his hand right behind my shoulder and leads me to a cabin. Judging by how much bigger it is than our cabins, I assume it's his. I hesitate before stepping inside.

"Are you sure you want to allow me into your house?" I ask shyly.

He grins at me. "Of course." Inside is a small couch and table, to the right there's a kitchen, and on the left there's a bedroom. He walks to the kitchen and pulls out some meat and a glass of milk. "Sorry for not having more, they don't allow assistants many points for food." I look at the plate, then at him.

"Then you should eat it," I say trying not to focus on it too long. 

Matthew smiles, "don't be stupid." He says and hands me the plate. I roll my eyes and take a bite, finishing it in less than a minute. I didn't know just how hungry I was until I ate this. How long was I asleep?

When I finish eating Matthew takes the plate from my and sets in in the sink. "Are you ready to train?" He asks me over his shoulder. I give a worried smile and nod. He laughs lightly, then turns and walks to the door. I walk with him down the trail to the yard, pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail. "You missed about two days of practice," he says looking at me over his shoulder. "This probably won't be too hard but it won't be simple either. The others had a hard time with it too." He says looking a little uneasy.

"I don't care how hard it is, it's better than being in a cabin with my two least favorite people." I answer. He looks at the ground and nods sympathetically. We reach the yard and step towards the middle of the flat, moist grass when I stop and look at him.

"Okay, so we're going to work on punching first, there's a couple things you missed." He says distracted, yet determined. The lights turn on around us suddenly, as they do every night when it gets dark enough. They aren't very bright, but it still takes my eyes a minute to get used to them. Matthew pulls some kind of creamy-white cloth out of his pocket and holds it in front of him. "This is to wrap your hands with." He says reaching for my hand. I hesitate, then carefully set it out in front of me. In this light, his eyes look black from most angles, but from right here they're a dark green. He grabs my hand with both of his and I take a breath, not letting it out for a time. He twists and pulls the fabric around the base of my hand and my knuckles. He focuses on the cloth, making every move smooth and precise. When he finishes my first hand, he swiftly moves to the second, glancing up at me and smiling as he begins.

"It helps you to keep from splitting your knuckles." He says softly. I nod, focusing on his swift movements. He finishes, holding both my hands in his, admiring his work. He looks up at me and smiles. And oh how I love his smile. I catch myself thinking. Stop it. I order myself.

We spend about an hour going through punches. How to hold my body, when to move and when to block. I don't want to leave, but he looks tired. "Good. Tomorrow we will work on the defense, then offence." He grins and starts walking away to put everything away.

"I still have your fabric." I say and he turns around.

"Oops." He says jogging back. He stops no more than a foot away from me, grabbing my hand with both of his and pulling the cloth from my open fingers. He moves slowly, causing my hand to tingle. He pulls his hands away and steps closer to me keeping eye contact, making me heart speeds up. He brushes my arm with his empty hand and grins at me. I feel heat rushing to my face and I try to hold it back. We stand there without moving for what seems like an eternity, before he lets go.

"See you in the morning?" He yawns and I nod with a small grin. He walks back to his cabin without another word, the cloth still wrapped tightly in his hand. I stand there for a second, then turn trying to hold in a smile.


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