Part 6: A small clue

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Jamie, Ellie, Lola, Micky, Percy, Raphael, Anastacia, Saskia and Binah sat in the library. Jamie and Ellie were re reading Lottie's letter over and over.

"Guys, what do you keep reading?" Raphael grabbed the letter but Ellie and Jamie didn't move, he couldn't read it anyway.

"What is that? What language is it?" Lola asked.

"Maravish." Jamie and Ellie said in unison.

"Oh. We can't read it then." Raphael sighed, scratching his head.

"It's private anyway." Ellie snarled.

"May I speak to Jamie and Ellie in private?" Binah asked.

"Sure?"Ellie muttered, still staring at the letter.

They walked over to a corner of the library and Binah smiled.

"What?" Ellie growled.

"That letter is from Lottie. I know it." Binah grinned.

"Is there a reason you know this?" Jamie sighed.

"Just a guess, that you have now confirmed."

Jamie and Ellie shared a look.

"Ok..." Jamie said, "can you help us?"

"I can't speak maravish, can you tell me what the letter says?" Binah asked, sounding fascinated.

They explained to Binah what it meant and how Lottie had said not to worry. Binah was helpful but said that she didn't think there were any hidden clues. They sat back down at the table while everyone stared at them.

"So?" Raphael said.

"So what?" Jamie asked.

"So what did the letter say." Raphael rolled his eyes.

"Let's just tell them Jamie." Ellie said. Binah nodded.

Jamie scribbled the meaning onto a piece of paper and handed it round. They all looked panic-stricken.

"What are we going to do?" Lola questioned.

"I have no idea." Ellie frowned.

They all turned to Jamie, Although he had no ideas either. Except that they knew she was at the leviathan base, they had nothing. Nothing at all.

"Just because I'm the Partizan doesn't mean I have all the ideas." He muttered, storming away.

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