Part 15: Your welcome

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"So, you weren't bluffing you smart little princess." The dark man said, grinning manically.

"No, why would I?" Lottie gave him a sly smile, although it was realistic, Jamie could tell it was a fake.

"And does your Partizan agree to be loyal to leviathan?"

"Of course." Jamie muttered.

"That didn't sound very convincing, Mr. Volk."

"I don't really have a choice." Jamie sighed.

"Well, if you must be so miserable, I am going." The man swept out the door.

Lottie and Jamie sat in silence. The tiny room filled with hidden despair.

*I'm sorry Jamie is so soft 😭, I didn't mean to make him this way but I can't change it now that's why I'm scrapping this series and doing a new one*

"What are we going to do Jamie?"

"I'll help you escape."

"What about you?"

"I'd be the distraction."


"Fine, we will be stuck here forever then."

"No Jamie, but I can't let you risk your life for me, your not my Partizan, and your only 19."

He didn't respond. Lottie knew what she had to do. She had to escape with him.

"You're right." Jamie said.


"I can't die."


"I have to protect Ellie."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

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