Part 10: Come on Lottie

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Lottie sat on her bed, her head spinning. She needed to get out of here, it was making her feel claustrophobic. The small room was cosy but cold. Too cosy. Too cold. It was horrible. Leviathan wouldn't let her out yet, they knew she might be pretending.

Her mind went to Ellie. The princess. The girl she was failing to protect. Jamie. The boy she knew she was in love with. They had both admitted it. Lottie didn't care if it was a secret, the feeling was too strong.

What if they are hurt? What if it's all because I wasn't there to protect Ellie? Or Jamie? It's all my fault.

Lottie was torturing herself. This was all her fault. She knew it. Get it together Lottie! She shook her head, her bouncy curls falling into her face. Suddenly it felt like the room was closing in, the small space squashing her into a tiny state of despair. Lottie swayed, her whole view flashing and spinning before her. She fell to the floor. I have to be strong. Her eyes started to flutter closed. Come on Lottie! But it was too late. Her head slumped to the floor, her eyes closed, in a deadly slumber. The anxiety had taken over. Her whole existence making no sense.

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