1: Saving Dragons

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Before we start I just want to say three things real quick.

1. It's good to see you again! 👋🏽😍😁

2. This book will NOT have all the parts of The Hidden World in it. This book is mainly about Kaida and will be longer than the other two books!!

3. Angel is the second ruler of the dragons so she's like a beta and I may call her that throughout the book.



Third Person POV

The wind blew softly while foggy mist surround a dark ship out at sea.

Lit torches scattered among the ship for lighting. The ship floor creaks as a dragon trapper walks across it; a lantern in one hand with a spear in the other.

The dragon trapper walked past the cages on the boat holding the captured dragons somewhat inspecting them. One dragons growls up at the man in distaste. "Quiet you!" The trapper said hitting the dragon's cage making the dragon jump.

The dragon trapper faces ahead, pausing once he saw a figure somewhat blending in with the surroundings.

Hiccup unsheathed his sword lighting it.

"What are you...?" asked the hunter. "Ssshhh." The trapper looked back to see Toothless climbing down from a cage growling while his back-fins glowed a faint blue. The dragon trapper yelps and then charged at Hiccup. He stealthily dodged then the trapper tried to hit Hiccup with his spear but failed. The trapper threw his lantern at Hiccup but it just bounced off his sword falling to the ship floor and creating a big fire but Hiccup walked through the fire with Toothless.

"Oh!" The dragon trapper was scared now. "Aah! You're a demon!" he declared. "Ssh ssh ssh. I'm not a demom." Hiccup uncovered his face. "See? Just a guy. Here to rescue these dragons."

"B-but you walked through fire!"

"Dragon scales. Dragons shed a lot," stated Hiccup.

"Oh no. I know a demon when I see one! No human legs are that skinny!"

Hookfang landed with Snotlout on his back. "Think that's a good entrance? Get a load of me!" Snotlout stood up on Hookfang wearing his new armor but in a split second, he was in pain. "Ah! Ah!" He fell off then ran around on fire from not protecting himself all the way.

"More demons!!"

"No, that's just a nimwit that forgot to fire proof his butt," corrected Hiccup pinching the bridge of his noise in annoyance. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Snotlout tried to pat the fire off his butt.

There was a two headed dragon silhouette as green gas envelope the area. "Guys! No! Not yet!" exclaimed Snotlout trying to stop the twins but he was too late. Belch created a big explosion sending Snotlout away. "Ah!"

Entering the chat; the twins.

"Behold your worst nightmare!" growled Tuffnut from behind his mask. He posed in front of the smoke trying to make his entrance more dramatic. "Behold!.." Ruffnut staggered a bit next to her brother.

"Along with his sister who insisted on coming," finished Tuffnut moving his mask up and glaring at his twin. "That's my intro?" asked Ruffnut unimpressed with her brother. "Guys... too soon. You always come in too soon," stated Hiccup. Fishlegs slid in. "Whoa!" He landed but struggled to get up like a turtle on its shell.

"Sorry! Still getting the hang of my wings," said Fishlegs. "Fishlegs, again with the baby?" asked Hiccup. The baby Gronckle purred. "This is a raid." The dragon hunter slipped away from the group scared out of his mind.

HTTYD: The Hidden World (writing/revising)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt