5: New Berk

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Let's get it!😜



Now, here we all are the next morning on our dragons to start our quest for the Hidden World.

I've been quiet all morning only talking when I needed to. I just was thinking about what's next for me again and now I was also thinking what was next for Berk. I combed through Angel's mane softly with my fingers. "You'll stay with me right girl?" I asked her. She purred back. I hummed. "Hello milady," said Hiccup now next to me. "Hi," I said back plainly. "What's up with you? You've been very quiet," commented Hiccup. Toothless grunted agreeing with his rider and worried for me as well. I sighed. "Just thinking remember? I told you not to worry about it," I said. Hiccup looked to me and saw me looking down at Angel's mane. Of course he knew something was wrong with me but I'm glad he didn't pry.

"Okay milady, but if you need something just ask," he said then Toothless flew back to the front. I looked up watching him then back at Angel. I felt a nudge on my hand and saw Floss with Dad. "Hello daughter," he said. "Hey dad and hey to you too buddy," I said petting Floss. He purred. "I don't know what you're thinking but I can tell something's bothering you. Just don't worry to much about it. I'm there for you and I'm sure Hiccup wouldn't mind what you do. He's pretty much your other half, he'll understand," stated Dad. I smiled and he ruffled my hair. "Thanks dad."

Angel flew up next to Toothless and Hiccup glanced at us. He felt better seeing me to be more relaxed and calm and with a faint smile. Snotlout groaned. "It just keeps going," he complained. "That's cause the world is actually round," stated Tuffnut. Astrid and I laughed while Hiccup and his mom shook their heads at him. "The sun's round. The moon's round. Stars are round. Even though they're small and stupid," said Tuffnut. Ruffnut laughed. "Right? Stars."

Toothless sniffed the air. "What you picking up on, bud?" asked Hiccup. Toothless looked around then to the side roaring so we all looked. I gasped. "The Light Fury!" said Astrid. "She's following us!" said Valka. The Light Fury roared then did her little disappearing trick.


"Would ya look at that?"

"Where'd she go? Is she made of sky?"

Toothless shot up with Hiccup obviously wanting to see the Light Fury again. But... before you knew it... the Light Fury threw Hiccup off of Toothless. I laughed my butt off and Angel gurgled. I was just about to say something but, "Not a word," said Hiccup. I smirked and snickered a little. "I'm not letting you live that down oh mighty dragon master~" I said teasingly. He glared and I just smiled. I saw Toothless look up for the Light Fury but she was gone. He whimpered a bit but Angel barked at him and nudged him to get his spirits back up.

We've finally saw an island. "Potty break!!" called out Fishlegs. The dragons flew towards the island and landed. I got off Angel then pet her. Floss came over and rubbed on Angel wanting his mom's affection so she nuzzled him. I smiled at this. "You guys are so cute." Dad came and stood next to me and I looked forward to Hiccup. "Looks like we're camping here for the night," he said. "Well, thank Thor for that!" said Gobber. "Yes! My own place. I plan to build a hut. Only for the bearded. Ruffnut, you gotta stay out. Chin whiskers don't count," stated Tuffnut. Then Snotlout argued with Eret I guess. "I see a tower of manliness in the shape of me. It's gonna be taller than Eret with bigger muscles," said Snotlout. "Wha... what?" questioned Eret confused. "Get out my house!" said Snotlout marching towards him. "Hey! Is there a problem here?"

I giggled shaking my head. "An interesting group of friends you have ey?" asked Dad. "Yeah, they're special. We've been through a lot," I responded. I looked around to see everyone getting really comfortable and putting things in certain places. I also heard Gobber talk about a blacksmith stall. He then was scared by a Hobgobbler and bumped into my Dad. "Did you see them?" he asked pointing behind him. "Uh... okay so we're not really staying here," I said going next to Hiccup talking to everyone. "I said make camp. Not build a new village," stated Hiccup. "Who died and made you chief?" asked Snotlout. Everyone groaned and I glared. "What?" he asked. Gothi came by and hit him. "Ow!"

"Granted this place is very nice. The grass, the scenery, it probably has a lot of resources but..." I trailed. "It's not the Hidden World," finished Hiccup.

"We don't even know if this Hidden world exists."

"Yeah. This place is real."


Hiccup and I looked around at the crowd. "Eh, there's nothing more stubborn than a mob of tired, hungry Vikings," stated Valka. Hiccup sighed while I nodded. "You can say that again." I looked at the area. "Well, I guess this can work as a base in the meantime. It's defensible, hidden. All right you can stay," said Hiccup. "Say hello to New Berk!" said Gobber. Everyone cheered. "Until Toothless, Angel, Kaida and I find the Hidden World," added Hiccup. Everyone groaned and booed. Tuffnut grabbed Hiccup. "Now about that voice. Can we lose the honking noise. It's hard to imagine wedding bliss with that going off every minute," laughed Tuffnut. I laughed then nudged Hiccup. "Ooh la laa~~"

"Come on Kaida, not you too," he complained. I giggled. "If you're gonna continue heading west then I should head back and make sure we weren't followed," said Valka. "Good idea and I'll come for your protection," said Snotlout popping up from nowhere. "No! You're too far important here," said Valka. "Yeah." He walked away nodding. Valka sighed relieved he wasn't coming with her. "Just be careful," said Hiccup. "Please do," I said. Valka stopped herself from saying something. "What?"

"This plan to hide us from the rest of the world... though... though I wish it were possible. I fear it can't last you two. I mean, you both know I tried to do the same thing for years but greedy humans always find a way. I just... I only ask that you two think about it," she patted our shoulders then walked off. I turned to Dad while Hiccup was by Astrid. "In a way..." I walked over to Angel and lifted her head. "They might be right. But for some reason I keep thinking there's a place out there for us that's not the Hidden World." I hugged Angel thinking a bit.

-Time Skip-

I was up late thinking about memories of my mom.

A young Kaida sat on her mother's lap as they looked over the beautiful view of the wide, glistening ocean.

"Listen to me Kaida, just because someone you know is in one place doesn't mean you belong there. Yes, it's gonna hurt to leave them but you need to find your purpose and find where you belong whether it's here or anywhere else."

"Where I belong?" questioned the young Kaida. "Yes. Don't let anyone or anything hold you back from finding out who you want to be and how you want to live. There's so many things out there that you could do. Find out where you want to go." Kaida looked at her mom in awe then back at the ocean. "Where I want to go...?"

I rolled over on my bed. "Hmm..."

I hope you guys are understanding how important the flashbacks/memories of Kaida's mom are. They're there to help give insights on her mom's character and show a bit of how her mom raised her and what Kaida is thinking about.

Any questions? Ask in the comments or dm me.

Stay tuned.

Love you guys,

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