9: Fun with Leo

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Guess who's still alive, me! Thank goodness 😅

Anyways, I know I said I was supposed to be updating and writing this book more, and I have, but I haven't published it and things been happening.

Anyways, enjoy this chapter you guys!


Stirring in my sleep, I reached out grabbing the pillow next to me snuggling into it. The light from outside shone in through my window onto my face waking me up. I groaned a bit using one of my hands to shield myself from the light then slowly got up stretching and yawning.

I looked around the room and had freaked out for a second but then I remembered that I reunited with my mom yesterday. That thought brought a smile to my face. I looked near the edge of the bed next to me and saw Angel still sleeping. She was on her back, tongue out while her paws were kicking at the air a bit. I giggled then got out of bed. I went to her tapping her. "Rise and shine Angel baby~" She purred rolling onto her stomach. She looked at me and barked then jumped onto me licking me.

I laughed. "Okay, okay, good morning! Down girl!" She stopped and I went over to my window opening in and taking a deep breath. The soft, cool breeze hit my face and a satisfied, content smile formed on my lips while my hair blew in the wind a bit. "Today's a new day, let's see what's in store for us eh?" Angel barked. "Atta girl!" I went to change then Angel and I went downstairs. "Morning mom!" I called out coming in. I ran pass Sparks but made sure to pet her then sat down at the table after giving Angel her food. "Morning sweetie, any plans for today?" she asked setting the food onto plates then sitting down herself.

I dug in. "Not really but I just might hang out with Leo again all day today," I stated. She smirked. "All day huh? You two seem really close. It's only a matter of time~" she teased. I knew what she meant and that's why my face heated up and I nearly choked. "Mom! I told you we're just friends!" I said cleaning my dish after I was done. "Sure, you two are." I just shook my head at her then went out back to brush Angel. Once done, I jumped onto her and we went on our morning flight.

Angel spun through the air while I cheered. "Yeah! I love flying!" She dove down towards the ground, straightened out once close, then flew through the town as I waved to people from on top of her. She then landed, for a break, on the same ledge we were on from yesterday with Leo. Angel was next to me and I was petting her with a smile on my face looking out at my amazing village. "Truly amazing, right girl?" She purred agreeing with me.

There was a roar and I turned around looking to see that Ace landed and Leo slid off him coming over to me. Angel barked and happiness then ran over to Ace while I just looked at Leo. "Good morning Princess," he said bowing. I rolled my eyes playfully giggling. "I told you, you didn't have to call me that," I stated. "I know, I was just teasing ya," he said smiling. I got up with his help. We both heard a sudden roar and looked to see Ace gave a flower to Angel and Angel was a bit shy about it. "Awww, they're so cute. Ace is such a flirt," I said. "You know... he gets it from his rider," stated Leo. He flicked his hand and then there was a rose. I gasped.

"Here you go. A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady." He put the rose behind my ear while I had a light blush on my cheek and was staring a bit shocked at him. "Someone's feeling real flirty today but that was smooth Leo, thanks for the flower." I smiled. He scratched the back of his head blushing a bit. "I-it was nothing!"

A light bulb went off above his head. "Hey, how about I show you to my friends? You're gonna love them!" said Leo. "Hm... okay!" I nodded. "Great. Keep up!" He jumped off the cliff and Ace ran to catch him then he took off. "Hey!" I jumped and Angel caught me then took off after them. We caught up to them and played around with each other one our dragons while laughing.

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