Chapter 2

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Harry shut his locker closed after getting all his books and stuff for morning classes.

After that, he looked for Zayn. He's not on his locker which is just across Harry's.

He looked at the hallway, looking for a messy jet black hair guy and when he saw him, he's talking to a girl. Harry looked at the girl as Harry saw her giggled. The girl has long blonde hair, thin, lips like it got photoshopped and has green eyes too and Zayn's laughing and excitedly talking to her.

Harry slowly walked towards them as Zayn felt Harry. He stopped talking to the girl and face him "Oh Harry! This is Gigi" Zayn said as The girl looked at Harry from top to bottom and smile "Hey, you're that gay guy right?" Gigi said as Harry's breathing hitched, stating the obvious "He is gay. But I like calling him Harry. Just Harry" Zayn said as Gigi 'ahed' and smiled some more at Harry "Well, Nice meeting you Harry" she said as she face Zayn "I'll see you later, Malik" Gigi seductively said as she walked past Zayn.

Harry stared at Zayn "So what was that?" Harry asked as Zayn looked at him "What? I'm just being friendly" Zayn said back as Harry raised his brow "Flirtatiously friendly" Harry said as Zayn shook his head "I was just introducing myself as the new Team captain. Nothing else" Zayn said as Harry rolled his eyes "Why only to her?" Harry said with a little bit of jealousy which he doesn't know why he is

"Harreh, she's the captain of the cheerleading squad. And besides, she came to me first" Zayn explained as Harry sighed "Okay, okay! Whatever you say, Malik" Harry mimicked Gigi's way of saying Malik as Zayn playfully punch him on his shoulder "Come on, lets get you to first period" Zayn said as they walk the hallways.

First day of classes are boring!

Harry barely survived his classes without taking a sleep and he whined to Zayn about it "Drama club is the only thing that keeps me interested in going to school" Harry said as he's with Zayn at the gym. Zayn is preparing for his basketball practice while Harry's waiting for his time at his club.

"Come on, you love to study" Zayn replied as he stretched his arms "Well, Yeah. But being a senior sucks" Harry mumbled with a pout as Zayn always finds it cute when Harry pouts.

Zayn smiled as he stared at his bestfriend who has a pouty face.

Harry got even more beautiful. His hair is getting longer, his skin, oh so white and his eyes are even greener which suits Harry's smooth and gorgeous face.

Zayn didn't know why he suddenly took time to study Harry's face. This is the first time he'd stared at him this much and not just staring but he's examining him like he does with other girls.

Harry sensed that Zayn got quiet so he looked at him "You got quiet, what happened?" Harry asked as Zayn blinked and averted his gaze "Uh nothing. I was just uh—you better get to your club Harry. Our practice is about to start anyway" Zayn said as Harry sighed and nodded "I'll see you later" Harry said as he picked up his bag and walked away.

As Zayn watches him exited the gym, he wondered why he stared at Harry that long—that was weird.

Drama club is Harry's only sanctuary of his whole existence in High school.

Sure, he loves his subject at school but nothing knows and relates to Harry but his drama club. The club only consists of 9 to 15 people and Harry doesn't even know why people hated this club.

Is it because the word Drama? Too gay for everyone's liking?

Mrs Doval is the advisor of the club and she's late as usual. She's always late, Harry doesn't even know where she's been. So when the door opened, the students thought that it's Mrs Doval.

They all got quiet and looked who entered and they all continued to chatter when they saw that its only a student. And Harry doesn't know him.

He has this brown hair, blue eyes and has this cute height. The guy smiled at each and everyone and when he saw Harry, his smile got even broader "Hi!" The guy said as he took his sit next to Harry "Hey?" Harry awkwardly said as the guy chuckled "Name's Louis. Louis Tomlinson" the guy said as Harry smiled a little "Harry Styles" Harry said back "You're new here?" Harry asked as Louis nodded "Uhuh. Transfer student" Louis answered "Oh where are you from?" Harry asked and as Louis was about to answer, Mrs Doval entered the room "Splendid! You're all here!" Mrs Doval said as the students paid their attention to their advisor.

"If you want to know me, can I ask you out for coffee?" Louis whispered to Harry as Harry's heart thumped. Wow, so straightforward!

"Coffee sounds........nice" Harry answered with a shy smile as Louis grinned "Great" Louis answered as he focused on Mrs Doval.

Harry wanted to squeal.

So this is what it feels like if someone asked you out.

// A/N: Oh boy, Zayn's staring at Harry for soooo long. I wonder what he's seeing. And Ahhhhhh! Welcome to the story Gigi and Louis Tomlinson! Haha! So guys, how do you find the story sooooo far? Are you bored? Lol! Let me know!

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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