Twenty Six

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Everyone was having the best time with Rosalina. She was more intelligent than most babies, she had started to all ready sound out words.

"Okay, okay, Rosy say dada." Lance said holding her on his lap. She said nothing and just stared at him." Dada?"

"Lance I don't think that's how it works." Pidge said.

"But it works with Keith!?" Just then Keith walked through the doors with Hunk and Shiro following close behind." Hey! How was the mission!?" Lance stood up with Rosy.

"Slow but good." Keith said as Lance handed him Rosalina." Hi baby girl." Rosalina giggled and spit on Keith. Keith kept his eyes closed and nose scrunched up.

"Hahaha!" Pidge laughed in the background." Now that's pretty funny."

"Yeah sure." Keith said and wiped his face.

"She's being pretty lazy today." Lance said.

"Yeah? She looks pretty bored."

"AHH! MMMhM!" She wiggled around and waved her arms in Keith's face.

"Ok!" Keith sat her down on the ground and stepped back. She just sat there and looked at her parents.

"What's she doing?" Hunk asked.

"Oh you'll see." Lance said and sat on the ground." Ven aqui nina. Ven a Papa." Rosalina then started to cry and whimper.

"Your just going to let her cry?!" Allura cried." Come here rosy."

"No wait." Keith said and sat down next to Lance.

"Mmmmmmo!" Rosalina cried and started to move around." Mmmmmommm!" She screamed and Keith pulled out a small item.

"What is that?" Shiro asked looking at it.

"It's a high tech baby learning tool." Pidge smirked.

"Why does it look like an egg?" Hunk asked.

"Because eggs are cool!" Pidge crossed her arms.

"MMmmmmhAHHH!" Rosalina being to crawl towards the small toy.

"Oh my goodness!" Allura clapped her hands together." The small human child is moving!"

"You could just say rosy." Keith said.

"Si Rosalina!" Lance cheered as Rosy grabbed the toy and began to chew on the toy.

"HEY!" Pidge screamed." That took so long to make!" Pidge grabbed the learner from Rosalina. Rosalina just sat there and stared at Pidge. Soon Rosalina's eyes were filled with tears and her face melted.

"AHHHHH!" Everyone flinched with that scream.

"Here! Here! I'm sorry!" Pidge sat the toy back down in front of Rosalina and she just stopped. Everyone looked at Keith and Lance. Lance mouth was open and eyes were wide ( as seen in the picture above ).

"Uhhh?" Hunk said as Rosalina began to chew on the toy again." What just happened?"

"I have no idea." Keith said. Rosalina then looked and giggled at everyone. Keith chuckled and went to pick up his daughter." Come here pumpkin." Keith nuzzled her nose and she giggled.

"MMmmmmommmmm." She slurred her words."Dddddddddddaddddddddddda." Lance gasped then ran over to Keith.

"Say it again! Come baby!" Lance said.

"Mmmmmommmmmdddddadddda." Rosalina then yawn and laid her head on Keith chest plate.

"Is it bed time already?" Keith said rubbing her back. Rosalina then gave a small cute little hiccup.

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