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waking up to the sun shining through the windows, casting on their bodies, today will probably be the last day they get to spend together with tender kisses being shared throughout the day. 

knowing that tyler would no longer be his lover, was something justin couldn't accept. he wanted him by his side at all times, kissing him whenever he pleases. 

and as they stayed in bed, enjoying each other's warmth and talking in a hushed tone, the reality of their relationship was starting to settle in. 

neither of them wanted to accept it. "we can't stay here all day, justin. we have to get up and start our day." tyler said as justin repeated kissed him. 

he didn't want to get up either, but they had no choice. they couldn't hide away in justin's apartment forever. specially with the wedding being less than a month away. 

"i don't want you to go. this could be possibly be the last time we see each and i'm not ready for that." justin said, hugging tyler close to him. 

tyler sighed and played with justin's hair. the truth was, tyler didn't want to leave justin. just like justin, he didn't want this to be their last day. there had to be at least one more night he got to spend with justin. 

he wanted to forever remember justin and how much happiness their short amount time brought him. 

reluctantly, they got out bed, ignoring the calls and texts from their partners. locking themselves in justin's apartment and enjoying each other's company for one last time. 

"what if you don't marry him?" tyler blurted out as they were cuddled up in the couch. justin sighed and shook his head. 

"i can't... as much as i want to, i can't." he said and tyler sighed, dropping the topic. "will you be there?" justin asked as he played with tyler's hair. 

"at the wedding?" tyler lifted his head from justin's shoulder to look at him. 

"yeah." they held each other's gaze as they waited for tyler's response. 

"i don't know. i didn't think you'd want me there." tyler said, laying his head back on justin's shoulder. 

"of course i would like for you to be there." justin said and tyler sighed. tyler promised him to be there, but wasn't sure if him being there was the smartest decision. 

"do you think it's possible to care deeply for someone in a short amount of time?" tyler said absentmindedly, taking justin aback. 

"i don't know, but it could be possible." tyler bit his lip and looked up at justin once again. justin's gaze fell down to his lips and softly pressed a kiss to tyler's lips. 

they had fallen for each other, but both ignored the feeling they felt. the warm feeling they got when they were in other's presence, was something they loved. 

they hadn't experience anything like this before and it was definitely something they could get used to. 

but as the day went on, the more calls they got, they knew they couldn't hide away forever. and the more that the delayed their feelings for one another. 

with one last kiss, tyler had left. justin turned off his phone and walked back into his room. reminiscing the pervious moments. 


without realizing, the last month he had, had gone by quicker than he wanted. when he could, he would text tyler and let him know of how much he missed his company. 

everything now was fast paced the closer the wedding got. what had once been a month, was now a week. 

justin kept replaying the last six months and how much he didn't want to get married. alexis had been over at his apartment for most days trying to learn the dances, keeping busy and away from the thought of tyler. 

knowing the wedding was in a week, tyler couldn't get justin out of his mind. their last encounter had been hard to forget with the sweetness that emitted from justin. 

"tyler, hello? tyler, are you okay?" tyler snapped out from his daydream as he heard matt call him. 

"sorry, i was just... thinking." he said and sighed. looking down at his plate and moving the food around, not being in the mood to eat. 

"you sure you're okay? you're barely eating." matt said concerned and tyler sighed, putting down his fork. 

"i'm fine, this week has just been stressful." he said, looking up at matt. 

"tell me about it. justin and alexis get married tomorrow and i was barely able to get the decorations done." matt said and that caught tyler's attention. 

he took out his phone and checked his calendar. justin's wedding was tomorrow and in less than twenty four hours he was going to be a married man. 

he had to tell justin before it was too late. he needed to see him before tomorrow.

"i just remembered that i have something to do." tyler said, getting up from the table. matt frowned, but nodded nonetheless.

"i'll see you tomorrow." was all tyler said before hurrying out of the apartment. with his phone in hand, he texted justin letting him know that he was going to him, not caring if alexis was there. 

he needed to see justin, touch him, kiss him, hold him one last time. he drove as quick as he could to justin's apartment. 

inevitable tears fell down his cheeks at the thought of this being the last time he would feel justin against him. 

to feel his warmth, his kisses, his tenderness in every touch. once he got out of the car, he smiled when he saw that justin texted him back. letting him know that he was alone. 

he took a deep breath before getting inside the elevator to his apartment. he wiped his tears and tried his best to keep his emotions in check. and as he saw justin's door down the hall, a wave of emotions ran through him. 

he knew that behind that door, was the man he had inevitably fallen in love with, waiting for him. 

Casual Affair - Jyler [short story] √Where stories live. Discover now