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no words were said when justin opened the door. they both knew that they're time together had come to an end and both hated the idea of it.

within less than twenty four hours, justin was going to be marrying someone he didn't care for. tyler hoped to make him realize that getting married was a big mistake.

once the door was closed and justin turned to face tyler, they knew tonight wasn't going to be like other nights.

and as justin kissed him, slowly leading him to the bedroom. even if justin didn't want to admit it, he could feel the passion between them.

pieces of clothing were scattered all over the floor as they tumbled into the bed. justin hovered over him, running his hands up and down tyler's body.

he wanted this night to be memorable for both of them. and as his hands roamed every place of tyler's body, he made sure that every curve was forever engraved in his mind.

tyler moaned softly as justin teased him. being skin to skin was something he loved and justin knew exactly how to please him.

their foreheads were pressed against each other's as they became one, sending shivers down tyler's spine. they both breathed in each other's breath as justin moved.

making sure every thrust left tyler wanting more. their lips connecting once again as they clung onto each other.

the air was hot and thick around them as they moved in sync. every touch was soft and filled with emotions that neither could admit no matter how much they wanted to.

they both tried their best to not think of this being their last night together, but as the night went on, the harder it was to deny.

the only reminder of this night were the endless love bites on tyler's neck. neither caring who saw them as long as they had each other.

everything was so bitter sweet as they further lost themselves within each other. both panting and shivering from the amount of want and passion that surrounded them.

"i don't want this to be our last night together." tyler whispered as justin pressed their foreheads together. silent tears fell from tyler's eyes as justin softly caressed his body.

just like tyler, justin didn't want this to be their last night together. he softly kissed tyler as he continued to hover over him. "i don't know how you did it, but you've stolen my heart. and i don't want to be apart from you." justin whispered as he buried his face in tyler's neck.

tyler bit his lip to stop it from trembling as the one thing he was most afraid of became true. falling for someone who was never his.

those three words, eight letters, where so hard to let out. this was tyler's opportunity to let justin know of how he truly felt, yet he couldn't tell him.

as they both looked at each other, lust was the only thing they could read. their true feelings hidden from the light as they feverishly kissed.

tyler was cherishing this one last moment with justin before everything came to an end. their lips only focusing on each other's the more they kissed.

not caring if they bruised their lips.

tears had filled tyler's eyes once again as he clung to justin. the voice in his head repeatedly reminding him that he shouldn't have fallen for justin.

and as they held each other for one last time, neither could hold back the tears they tried so hard to hold back.

everything was so surreal to tyler. he wished he could wake up the next morning and forget that he wasn't the one justin was marrying.

the rest of the night being so serene and peaceful as they looked at one another. tyler wanted to let those three words out, but he couldn't.

"don't marry him." tyler whispered as he cupped justin's cheek, looking at him with teary eyes.

justin took his hand in his and brought it up to his lips. his eyes closing as he pressed a kiss to tyler's hand.

deciding against answering him, he kissed him ever so gentle to get him to forget what he said. he wanted to give tyler the answer he wanted, but because of the contract he was in, he couldn't.

he couldn't tell tyler that this marriage was out of his control. "i don't want tomorrow to come. i don't think i can handle seeing you get married to someone else."

justin pulled him closer to him, holding him tightly as tears continued to roll down his cheeks.

truth be told, he didn't want to get married. he couldn't handle the thought of getting married to someone that wasn't tyler.

justin held tyler tightly against him until tyler had fallen asleep. he pressed a kiss to tyler's forehead before getting out of the bed.

he walked out onto the balcony, no longer holding back his sobs. tugging at his hair in frustration at the outcome of this.

he wanted to turn back time and undo everything that had happened. closing his eyes, he took deep breaths to calm down before he walked back inside his room.

looking at tyler sleep so peacefully on his bed sadden him. he didn't want to be the reason why tyler was hurt. joining tyler back in the bed, he hugged him once again and kissed his forehead.

"i love you, tyler." he whispered before he drifted off to sleep.


waking up before justin hadn't been new to him. he stayed in justin's arms for a while longer before he looked up at him.

memories of last night coming back to him. he sighed and slowly leaned up to press a kiss to justin's lips.

his eyes tearing up once again as he looked at justin. he didn't want to leave his side, but he knew that people would soon start knocking on his door.

"i love you, justin." he whispered as he pressed one last kiss to justin's lips. he got out of the bed and quickly got dressed before making his way out of justin's apartment.

tears were rolling down his cheeks as he left, but he wasn't going to break down where everyone could see him. only when he got inside his car did he let out the sobs he was holding in.

putting up the hood of his sweater to better hide himself from anyone walking by. taking deep breaths before driving back to his apartment.

dreading the event that was about to take place in a few hours.

Casual Affair - Jyler [short story] √Where stories live. Discover now