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3 years later

"baby, wake up." justin whispered in tyler's ear as he leaned over him. he had been trying to wake him up, but hadn't been able to.

tyler slightly stirred and groaned, covering his face with the blanket as justin shook his shoulder. justin chuckled and pulled the blanket off of tyler.

"you can sleep in tomorrow. go take a shower to wake up and get dressed. i'm go make us some breakfast." he said and kissed tyler's cheek.

tyler sighed and sleepily sat up. he watched justin walk out and was tempted to go back to sleep.

he yawned and stretched as he got out of bed. he didn't know why justin was waking him up so early, but whatever it was for, he hoped it'd be worth it.

justin couldn't wait to get the day started. he couldn't stop thinking about today and was nervous as well as excited.

once breakfast was done, he walked up to their bedroom with a grin on his face. "baby, you ready?" he said as tyler finished getting dressed.

"justin, i still need to do my hair and put my shoes on. what's with the hurry?" he said, giggling and walked over to him.

justin simply smiled, kissing him as he wrapped his arms around tyler. "you'll know soon enough, but hurry up in getting ready. don't want the food to get cold."  he said and let go of tyler.

tyler looked at him strangely and simply got back to getting ready. he didn't know what was wrong with his boyfriend, but it certainly made him get ready faster to find out.

"justin, calm down. i don't get why you're so jittery this morning. mind telling me now?" tyler asked as they ate. justin sighed and shook his head.

"i can't tell you, it's a secret." he said and winked. he chuckled when tyler rolled his eyes.

"it can't be that big of a secret." tyler said and justin shrugged. tyler was starting to get suspicious by justin's behavior. he was too happy and excited than usual.

it didn't take long before they were out of their house, hand in hand. justin couldn't get enough of tyler as they made their way to their car.

today was a good day and couldn't wait for what he had planned. he hoped everything would go as planned.

and as they drove back into the city, justin's hand never left tyler's. tyler still had no clue what was going on and justin was more than happy about it.

"i'll be right back. i need to get a few things and then we'll be good to go." justin said as he kissed the back of tyler's hand.

"okay, but don't take too long." tyler said as he looked out the window to see where justin was going into.

"alright then." justin said and got out of the car. he nervously walked into the apartment building and quickly made his way up to where his friend lived.

upon arriving at his friend's apartment, he was more nervous than he had anticipated. he knocked and as he waited, he tried to calm down the best he could.

"oh hey justin, come in! oh my god, you look so nervous." justin nodded and took a deep breath.

"i know, but i don't know how to act. i thought it would be easy since i've done it before, but i guess not." he said and nervously chuckled.

"you love him, that's why. don't over think and just let it flow naturally." justin didn't want to be rethinking his decision, but the more he thought about it, the more he thought that it probably wasn't the best idea.

Casual Affair - Jyler [short story] √Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant