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ice cold

"You can turn snowballs to fire, I mean — kid, you're on the team."

She fidgeted with her fingers as she walked the hallways in silence. Her head hung low as she trudged, dragging her shoulder against the lockers. The hallway was completely empty, no student was in sight. The girl snapped her fingers and admired the small flame in her palm, enjoying the way the heat felt on her icy skin.

"Gia," Someone called out.

The girl lifted her head and looked back at the boy behind her. Ned Leeds, one of the only people she ever spoke to in Midtown. She extinguished the flame hovering in her small hand and turned around.

"Hi Ned," She muttered out quietly.

He caught up with her, a small smile on his face. "What are you doing out here?" Ned asked, looking around.

Gia shrugged, "I'm at the nurse." She replied bluntly.

He chuckled and continued to walk beside her, "You haven't been coming to Chemistry, everything okay?" The boy glanced at the girl.

"Mhm, just had a lot to deal with these last couple weeks." Gia responded, no emotion in her voice.

Ned only shrugged. The girl hadn't been acting like her usual self, bubbly and sweet. She was quieter than usual. Her hair wasn't down, she had it in the messiest bun possible. Gia had on her slump hoodie and a pair of leggings that were full of holes. She never tried hard for school, but she had never came looking so tired.

"How's your family?" He poked for conversation only to receive a exhausting response.

"They're fine." She sighed.

Ned nodded, "Well I'll leave you to it. See you during lunch today?" He asked, his usual smile returning. "Unless you don't show up again." He added.

"I'll see." Gia said. She felt the boy turn and walk away slowly. "Oh, Ned." He turned and faced the girl, "I'm sorry, it's not you, I'm just not myself."

Gia continued half the day in silence, ignoring students and teachers. Even when her favorite teacher, Mr. Dugdale asked her a question, she only pushed her head further into the desk. She ditched Chemistry, her favorite subject, and sat in the bathroom by herself. When lunch rolled around, Gia decided to make it up to Ned and show up, with a bag of Lays for him of course, she knew he loved those.

"Gia!" Flash exclaimed, "How are you, beautiful?" He grinned at the girl while she shoved a dollar into the vending machine. The bag of Lays dropped and she picked it up quickly.

"Fine, Flash. You?" She murmured, looking over at him.

"I'm perfect. Missed you, of course!" He smirked, leaning in closed. "Where ya been?" He pushed.

Gia kissed her teeth, walking away, clutching the Lays bag in her hand. She breathed in slowly and stomped towards the cafeteria.

You're okay, Gia, she thought to herself. Today's that day, it'll end and you'll be normal again, you'll be okay, you'll get through it like you have the last three years, she felt rage burn inside her, it was only towards herself.

the fire inside : spider-manWhere stories live. Discover now