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the numbers

It was Thursday afternoon, six o' clock to be specific. Peter Parker was off patrolling, Gia had decided to patrol a bit later than usual and fulfill a promise she made with the man Blake. She found herself on the corner of two streets, hesitantly looking around and growing anxious. Where was the meeting going to be held? A street corner? An alleyway? Gia groaned to herself and started to walk away before a hand reached to grab her shoulder. She turned and breathed out in relief at the sight of Blake.

"You leaving? You just got here!" The blonde boy smiled, his pitch black shades rested on his face. "I'm really glad you came, Gia." She felt his hand graze her face as he pulled away from her shoulder.

"Of course, I figured I should give it a chance. I like hearing people's opinions about things. I've got to go by eight o' clock though." Gia looked down at her wrist where she had missed her bracelet. Lately, she had been simply helping with her head hung low since she could not be shielded by a suit.

"Plans with Mr. Parker?" Blake chuckled. "Is He your boyfriend?" He asked further, he waved for her to follow him.

Gia raised her eyebrows at his question, "That's very personal, but — " She still wasn't sure about what to say, what would Peter say? "No, not yet anyway. Maybe soon." She replied with a smile, she was honest. "Where are we going?"

"To our house." Blake replied, Gia slowed down slightly and crossed her arms. He looked back and frowned, "Don't be scared. I know you don't know me too well, but you can trust me." He offered his hand.

"Maybe I should just text someone really quick, let them know where I am. I'm sorry, I'm just a very - careful person. It's New York, after all." Gia scrolled through her phone. She sent a message to MJ letting her know where she was, considering Peter was busy patrolling, he wouldn't be on his phone. She put her phone away and continued to walk beside Blake who had been asking about her day. She was comfortable around him, he wasn't scaring her off. "So how many of you are there? In your club?" She asked.

"Organization. There's only eight, we've been together for a long time now. My parents were in it when I was born, I grew up with the members. I'm twenty one, I've been with them all my life." Blake explained, "We all live together in one house, it's kind of an apartment building and everyone has their own space, then we have a floor that's meant for meetings. I told everyone about our new possible recruit, they're excited to meet you." He said.

"Oh great, I'm excited to meet them too." She shrugged, Gia caught eyes with a small tattoo behind his ear. "What's that?" The girl reached to touch it before he chuckled and stepped back nervously.

"It's a tattoo, I got it for The Pyramid. It was completely my choice, I really - believe in this organization." Blake smirked at the girl.

Gia nodded, "I feel like I've seen it everywhere." She felt her body grow hot, she knew exactly where she had seen it. On Katerina's body. Gia's hands balled into tight fists as she looked away. She wasn't sure she should keep an open mind any longer, something was clearly wrong with this situation. "That's really weird." She mumbled.

"You think so? People think it's abstract, kind of aesthetic? I don't know, at least it's not my ex-girlfriend's name." He laughed, Gia chuckled slowly along with him. "Oh, wait — " Blake grabbed her arm gently and pulled her. "I know this is super weird, but, you've got to put this on." He held up a blindfold.

"Oh no, Blake. This is getting really weird, I don't know if I can do that." Gia shook her head, she looked around, the sidewalks were crowded with people. "It's against everything I tell my little brothers and sisters, I'd be a total hypocrite if I put that blindfold on. I already am a hypocrite, I spoke to a stranger." She rambled nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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