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"Spider-Man's kind of a loser."

Gia groaned as she peeled off the shirt she had been wearing before it had been completely soiled. Teresa trailed into the room, taking the shirt from the frustrated teenage girl and tossing it into a plastic bag. She had spent a majority of her morning cleaning up after Olivia's puke, scrubbing down bedrooms and sanitizing surfaces. Teresa finally arrived home after a quick meeting with an editor that she had to meet with, Gia offered to help out her foster mother by staying home with the sick child. She regretted her decision as she snatched a towel from her closet door and made her way into the bathroom. She jumped into the shower, grabbing her phone and finally taking a look at her notifications.

dude whAt tHe fReak man

Ned Leeds
where r u :((((

Peter Parker
good morning <3

Peter Parker
school skipper, ur lame

Gia silently squealed at the sight of his makeshift heart, replying instantly to each message and setting down her phone to shower properly. She held one hand on the shower head and another gripped her loofa. The water turned piping hot causing the girl to sigh in relief, she kept her hand on the shower head to heat it as she scrubbed her body roughly. She hummed to herself, taking her time before drying herself off and putting on normal clothes. Teresa came in, a finger pressed on her lip as she handed Gia a twenty dollar bill. Olivia was passed out on the couch, Teresa needed medicine. The girl took her time, pulling on a pair of shoes and heading out the door. Olivia would survive, Gia was in the mood to walk slow. The streets were loud as per usual, Gia found her way on the sidewalk and kept her head low as she walked. It was only two thirty in the afternoon, she had hours to kill after she would leave the medicine back at home.

Gia arrived at the corner store, picking up children's medicine and making her way back home. She huffed as a body rammed into the side of her, the girl's hands grabbed onto a light pole to regain her balance. She fixed her shoe that they had managed to slightly pull her foot out of, Gia looked up and stared at a paper taped onto the pole as she adjusted herself. It was a single white sheet of paper with the symbol that she had been seeing too much, with words beneath it. She ripped it off of the pole and studied it carefully.

"Join The Pyramid — " She read quietly before she was interrupted by another voice.

"Corner of forty second street and fifteenth." A man finished the sentence for her. Gia's stomach erupted into flames nervously, she held the paper close as she stepped back. "Hello, my name is - "

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Gia frowned and quickly walked back towards the way of her apartment.

"Ma'am, if you would just listen." The man caught up beside her as she sped walked. "We are an organization, somewhat like crime stoppers, we meet every Tuesday and Thursday at six in the afternoon. It's educational and we just want to better the world!" The man reached to grab her wrist only to trip on the cement. "Dammit." He muttered.

Gia stopped in her tracks and helped him up. He looked young, not too much older than her, she had to admit he was good looking too. She watched him wipe off his clothes and thank her. He seemed nice, maybe she had judged too soon because of the symbol. He smiled at her, reaching out his hand.

the fire inside : spider-manWhere stories live. Discover now