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friday night

"You just stabbed me with icicles!"

Gia had finally finished off the week normally. The kids settled at home and attempted to tidy themselves up for a dinner with May and Peter. Cheyenne and Teresa had grown close to Katerina, apparently seeing a side of her that Gia never had gotten a glimpse of.

"She's nice and she loves fashion. Me, Teresa, and her went shopping yesterday after school. Look!" Gia poked her head out of the shower curtain and nodded at Cheyenne's new blouse, "Cute right? Kat picked it out!"

"Kat? Is that what you guys are calling her now?" Gia mumbled, turning off the shower and wrapping herself in a towel.

"I don't know why you don't like her, Giovanna. I kinda hope Teresa adopts her." Cheyenne smiled as she braided her hair.

Gia's eyes widened, a pain in her chest had appeared. "R-Really? I mean, Cheyenne, she's been here for a week." The older girl looked down at her feet, she squeezed the water out of her locks.

"I know. I just like her." Cheyenne shrugged, "I mean, I like you too Gia! You know I love you." She twisted her lips and passed Gia her hairbrush.

"Thanks I guess." Gia brushed her hair, watching Cheyenne leave the bathroom. She shut her eyes tightly, breathing in and shaking off what her younger sister had just said. She finished her routine and dressed herself in a simple dress, not in the mood to wear pants. Gia walked out of the restroom, smiling at a beaming May and quiet Peter. "Hey bug boy." Gia teased and hugged Peter who hugged her in return, she moved on to May.

"I visited Fort Lauderdale once when I was younger on my spring break. Gosh, those were the days." May laughed softly, her eyes crinkling from the smile on her face. Peter raised an eyebrow at May immediately, "Of studying hard! Um, of doing extra credit?" She added.

"What are we talking about?" Gia sat beside Peter, resting a hand on his shyly.

"Katerina was just telling me about her old house in Miami. The one that she always visited each summer with her parents. It sounds just lovely." May took a sip of the wine in her hand.

"It is." Katerina nodded, giving Gia a quick look before seating herself at the table. "Teresa just went to grab chocolates she got from work in her car. But I'll start serving everyone." The blonde girl called out for the kids.

Peter nudged her, pushing Gia's hair behind her ear. "She seems to feel right at home. That's good right?" He whispered.

Gia laughed softly, "Um, sure. I'm glad." She cleared her throat before joining the kids at the table. Peter took his seat beside her.

"I made potatoes and steak." Katerina explained as she stretched across the table, passing the pan of steak to Peter. Her eyes were glued onto the boy, causing him to look away uncomfortably. "And chicken fingers for you guys." The blonde girl placed a few tenders onto Quincy and Olivia's plates causing them to squeal in delight.

"You guys gotta have some potatoes tonight, okay?" Gia placed two small potatoes onto each little ones plate only for them to protest immediately.

"No!" Quincy shouted, pushing his plate away while Olivia pouted and shook her head.

"That's okay, Gia. I ran it by Teresa and they don't need to tonight." Katerina explained as she served Gia, placing a small piece of steak and three potatoes. "I figured I'd serve you a little less. Cheyenne and I think you might be gaining a bit of weight."

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