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aunt may's dinner

"You look like you got hit by a car."


Gia hadn't been to school in a week. Her phone had been blowing up for days, but she didn't answer anyone. One morning, Teresa finally decided it was time for her to go back to school.

"Gia, the doctor said it was fine to go to school. You rested, it's held together, you're going to be fine. He said it was like a miracle, half put together and half broken, almost like it was mending itself. Usually two broken ribs would keep you in the hospital for a while but he said that you're practically healing overnight. I'm not letting you stay another day." Teresa ripped Gia's comforter off of her body, helping her sit up slowly. "Rachel's called, she's concerned, this is really looking bad for me Gia, I don't want her to take you." Gia's eyes widened at the sound of her social worker's name.

"Okay. I'll go. I just feel like shit," Teresa instantly slapped her arm, "I mean poop." Gia looked at Olivia who had been fidgeting with her braids.

"I know sweetheart. I've talked to your principal, he says you'll be let out of class ten minutes early so you won't have to rush. You've caught up on your makeup work, it'll be an easy day. I know you miss your chemistry class too! And Mr. Dugdale hasn't stopped emailing me for updates." Teresa smiled, "Get ready, your bus leaves in twenty minutes. I'm gonna walk the kids down to their bus." She took Olivia's hand and walked out the room.

Gia grabbed her phone, scrolling through texts messages. Flash hadn't stopped flirting with her, Ned asked about her repeatedly and the group chat wouldn't stop calling her.

Star Whores

Ned Leeds
Good morning Gia

yea gia it's ur friends here and we've been worried sICK mostly peter and ned but come to school pls so they can stop bothering me

Ned Leeds

Peter Parker
Gia we miss u come back to school

who wants to play 8ball w me?????

Peter Parker

Ned Leeds
Gia I'll bring u a sandwich if u come to school today

bring me one too or else

Gia clicked her power button and picked herself off the bed, limping over to the mirror. She lifted her shirt up, studying the wrap around her torso. She had an open fracture from Ant-Man's kick, breaking two ribs and foot in the process. The cast around her foot was blue, featuring the sloppy signatures of her foster siblings. She changed into a baggy hoodie and pair of leggings, struggling to get it on underneath her cast. One foot was covered with thick wool socks and a slipper. She fixed her hair, washing her face and brushing her teeth before grabbing her crutches and backpack.

"Please Giovanna, look both ways today when crossing the street." Teresa sighed at her once she entered the living room.

"I will, Teresa." Gia groaned, applying chapstick and shouting goodbye.

She hadn't seen the Avengers for a week and was too afraid to face Peter in school. Natasha always checked up on her though, making sure all was well with the teenage girl. Gia pulled a beanie over her head and sat at the bus stop in silence. She winced in pain every time she moved, every night she would heal herself as much as possible, estimating that in two more days she would be good as new. Gia boarded the bus as soon as it arrived and sat beside an older woman. Ten minutes into the ride, she glanced over at the newspaper the woman was reading and noticed a picture.

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