When I first met you

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When I first met you
I didn't think anything special of you

I just thought you were someone
who will lose interest in me in a week
Someone who I will won't hear anything
except maybe an occassional greeting

But something about you caught my eye

Like a small blade of grass
That fell into my eyes

I found myself getting
more and more curious
more observant
and more interested

A small part of me panicked

Fearing that cupid had notched an arrow
Yet again

So I wore the strongest armour I could find
And braced myself for the impact

But the arrow never reached me
The arrow never left the bow
Hell. The arrow was never even drawn

I realised that I had a desire
To make you open your eyes
and see the world for what it is


As I saw the way
you spoke without a care in the world

the way you didn't give a damn about
what other people thought

the way you lived only in the present

the way you punched people without a thought
and cry after they hit you back

the way you'd leave without a good bye

the way you'd lecture me to stay away from "ewwy love"

I chuckled.

And I realised

That maybe you are already awake
And I didn't have to do a damn thing
Except follow a tiny bit of advice

Given to me
by a strong and free spirit.

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