Soul brother?

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There used to be a time
When I thought you were genuine
that you were my soul brother

You were so perfect at everything
Everyone loved you
You were the embodiment of perfection

You had the whole package
That many would kill to have
You said that I was the only person you'd ever opened up to

I was soo happy

Yet there was this uneasy
tingly feeling
In the back of my head

Why were you so perfect?
That ticked all sorts of red flags in my brain
So I pushed you away
But no one else seemed to have noticed that

You were trying your best
To crawl your way back

I went away with someone new
And I noticed that I hated him
For not being you

But I didn't let myself hate him

Cause there was no reason for me to do so
Then I realised you were like a drug
You gave everyone what they needed


But you mixed it with so many other things
So that they wouldn't notice it

I sensed your lies
No one seemed to bother
I sensed your mask
No one seemed to care

The person who was like a brother
Was going away
you were sad
And yet I could tell you didn't really care

I realised just how much of a deadly enemy you could be
Cause you knew everyone's secrets

You thought you were invincible
That no one would notice you
But I did
I know what you are

A wolf  admist a flock of sheep

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