I wish we'd have been strangers...

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I wish we'd have been strangers
I wish that we'd never have met the way we did

Just so that I could find you again
And we'd not be bound by this label that has been given to us.

Why did it turn out like this?

You always said that
I had a special place in your heart

You'd always push away anyone
who'd try to get close to you
But I was always an exception

Nobody knows you like I do
Nobody knows me like you do

Yet still.....

I feel this distance between us

I know that this is "wrong"
that I shouldn't have these feelings

But yet still, I can't help
but to fall for you

Even when you annoy me
Even when you make me hopelessly mad

I cannot stop loving you

So I don't care what people will say
Because you are the one person that matters
Because you are person I care about

So I can't help but to wish
That we'd have been strangers

So that when I finally found you
You could've accepted me
As I am

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