Bring it on!

3 3 3

"This is a race"

"Everyone has their own pace"

" You need to score this much"

"Grades do not define who you are"

"Start taking this seriously! This is your life!"

"Your life hasn't even begun yet, it's out there in the real world!"

"Why are your scores this low?"

"It doesn't matter, the system's idiotic anyways"

"This is there to ensure equal opportunity for everyone. In ancient days you had to fight to survive, tell are you strong enough to fight and kill? Then count yourself lucky!!"

"Why do people judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree? Can't they see?? It's a fucking fish!!"

Thrown in midst of this battle
I didn't know where
my allignance lie

If you don't like a Rule... Just follow it... Get to the top and change the rule

But I am a fish
am not built for climbing trees

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless like water
Put water in a cup, it becomes the cup
Put water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot
Water can flow or drip or creep or crash
Be like water my friend

And that's when it hit me
I wasn't here fighting someone else's battle
I wasn't here without wanting to be here
like the vast majority I see
I am here because I chose to be here
at this moment of time and space
If I give in now
the future generations will suffer
what many of us do right now
So it's time to take the reins
And show the horse, a thing or two
about a how a horse must be

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