Don't you have any purpose?

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Is love truly free?

Does it know no boundaries?

Is it not one one's "accomplishments"
but on the one themself?

I used to think I could love you
Even if you didn't
That my feelings for you didn't have come in contact with this realm's conditioning system

But I began to doubt
I stumbled
And almost fell
I began to think if only you were that way
Which people expect of you

If only you could be one of those mindless
robots I see everyday
that go about their day
with no actual purpose

You said that you had no goal
That even when you thought hard
your mind could not muster
even a single reason
for your exsistance

I would have left
And gone forever from your life

Until he punched me in the face
And said to be

Stay awake

Do you realise what you are thinking?

Did I?

I didn't....

You were one of the only few I have seen
that is free

Then I rembered why I fell for you in the first place

You were living among the dead
You were smiling among the hardships
You were the sunshine that brought hope
To me

Some disliked you
Only on envy that they couldn't be you

You do have a goal in life
That is to be happy
And help others be that way

I realised that you were the only human
amongst all these mindless ghouls

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