Wake the f**k up!

15 2 5

Dude I will not let you waste another second
Thinking of the possibility of what that whatif

I need you to wake the f**k up
and move on with your life

She's f**king gone!

So I don't wanna hear another "she could've done better"

I want you to realise

She's dead!
And it's not your f**king fault!

When it came to the choice
whether it was going to be her
or you...

She chose you.

She chose you for one f**king reason!
You can do great things even without her
But she cannot do those samethings without you

I think you'd have come to realise
the momentum is finally picking
Things are finally visibly progressing
so don't keep playing your guilt card
and wake the f**k up!

Ask yourself this one question
Did she save your a**
so that you'd be shrouded in guilt for the rest of your life???!


She did it because she believed that your life was more valuable!
She did it because she knew you will do a better job than her!
She did it because she loved you!!

So wake the f**k up!
And go make her proud!!

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