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What is happiness I wonder?

Is it something that could be attained
through doing something?

Is it something that could be purchased?..

Is happiness a destination?
Or is it something else?

Have we been ignorant all this time?

Have we confused happiness with something else?

If you ask someone who's been depressed
or you have experienced it yourself

You know that there needs no reason
for sadness to exist
for it to overwhelm oneself

Then why do you believe that you need something to be happy?

Happiness is very similar in a sense that it sometimes needs something to happen

If you still think that
you haven't fully experienced happiness
and you are still ignorant

Somethings can't be described through words
Emotions cannot be expressed in words

So you'd have to experience it yourself

But I can tell you this

Happiness is not just the destination
it's the journey as well.

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