Letters to Prince Chapter 6

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When Words Fail

My dearest Prince,

Once again, I was having a difficult day.  I am actually feeling a little better physically in that the horrible bronchitis I have had is starting to clear up.  It is emotionally that I was both hurting and weary.  I kept asking myself how am I supposed to continue on in my life feeling this disconnection from life, disconnection from you and be functional?  I have been listening to your music much of the day as I try to regain my strength to be able to return to work and as happens so often,  I have experienced tears, and so many why questions.  And then, I went into my valise to pull out some stationary to write you a letter and I found this inside of my valise.

Dear Marie,

I have read each of the letters that you have written me and I am so very sorry that my death has caused you pain.  Please do not feel foolish for loving me, despite our never meeting. The God we serve is all about love and you could not feel those things unless he put them in your heart.  Love is never wasted no matter when it is given in life, in death, in eternity...it remains love and can still do miraculous things.  I am so sorry for the illness that you are battling.  I know a little bit about ill health and pain as I experienced those things in the last years of my life.  I did not handle them as well as I would have liked to and I was too prideful to seek the help that would have helped me to manage my situation better.  I am praying that you will do all you can to survive well until our Lord and Savior brings you home.  I also want to tell you if I did anything that helped you  while I lived as you have said I did, I am grateful to God that I could help.  

You have been so sincere with me Marie in sharing your feelings.  I am also grateful for that.  Inside of me there has always been a man who appreciated the sincerity of a good and loving woman.  There were many times that my own foolishness caused me to choose those that weren't so in my life and to reject the few that were. My time in Paradise is teaching me that.  But that is a story for another day.  For today know that I hope you will forgive me for leaving the world as I did. I hope you will get past your anger with me quickly as I value the caring you have extended my way very much and I do not want to lose it. 

 I hope you will write to me again soon...if you do my dear Marie, I will answer.  


I am reading this now and wondering who has played this cruel cosmic joke on me?   I am hanging onto my sanity by a thread as it is.  How can I continue to do so with things like this happening.  Father if this is real then I need for you to show me...and if it is not, I need for you to take me out of this craziness...I honestly cannot handle any more.  You know how I love this man Father, please do not take the one joy I have  of loving him away from me by allowing  some awful human being to mock my feelings this way.

My Prince, my friend...I love you and I always will.


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