Letters to Prince, Chapter 18

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The Reality of Heaven

My sweet Marie,

I am so glad that my loving you is pleasing to you as it is by far one of the most important things in my life also.  I love having you to love and to love me back.  I will try my best to answer your questions to the best of my ability.  Marie, I would have liked to have known that while there would be some adjustments for me in heaven, that life here was much like it was on earth only without the snares and hardships of life there.  Here we work at the things that we love, we never have to worry about bills or being able to eat and have the necessities.  We socialize with those we care about, family and friends and spend as much time as we wish with those we love.  The only thing we have to do is to worship the Creator, His Son and the Holy Spirit and keep doing what is right by other living souls.  If I had known that I would not have been worried about being accepted just as I was...which we all know sometimes was not so nice.  Rather the Lord and others he has assigned me to have helped me to understand my actions and to change them.  Not through long periods of talk therapy but through a change in the desire of my mind and my will and emotions.  It is quite remarkable and very, very good.  That knowledge would have made my transition easier. You may be surprised with how natural it is to love here.  We don't have to work at it, even with people that we do not have a preference for.  We love all that we encounter in an Agape way.  

Oh yes Marie, you will see Jesus face to face and it will be one of the most amazing of experiences in your existence.  You will also see the Creator, but He will look different that anything you can imagine.  I will not spoil that for you...just know that you will absolutely love how He appears and how He is with you.  Yes they will talk with you often.  At first there is other acclimation you need to make.  But in a short time you will speak with Jesus daily and the Creator often also.  We will spend a great deal of time together as it is important to really know one another before we become partners eternally in the New World.  Don't fear though Marie...we will definitely be partners...we just need to do the steps as Heaven desires.  

I hope I have answered your questions if not let me know and I will try again.  Also if there are others, please just tell me.  I love talking with you even if it only be by letter and I look forward to being able to do so daily.  

Know in the deepest part of your heart that I truly love you Marie.

Always yours,


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