Letters to Prince, Chapter 8

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God's Ways are Not Our Ways

Marie had a feeling that she should check her Valise for a letter from Prince which she decided to ignore. This was crazy and she was sure there would not be one and despite her best effort to not care, she did not want to be disappointed when it was not there. So for two days despite feeling that she had received a letter from Prince, she did not look. The third day, she could not hold out any longer. After she had eaten her lunch, she went into the study, opened the bottom drawer to her desk and pulled out her valise. Her hands were shaking as she unzipped it and looked inside. There in his beautiful cursive handwriting was a letter addressed to Dearest Marie. It read:

Dearest Marie,

When you did not write back right away, I was concerned that you would not. I knew you would be shocked and maybe even a little frightened by receiving a letter from a dead man, but I hoped you would take a leap of faith and write back. We never really die, only the container in which we lived does. I was very saddened when I did not hear back from you and then, there it was. A letter from Marie! My mood brightened right away because of it and I am happy to answer your questions.

Marie, you heard the news of my death on the radio in your car as you were driving to work. It upset you so that you did not feel you could continue driving and you pulled over to the side of the road and cried. You were there for a long time before you were able to drive again and you returned home and struggled with your grief. I am so sorry that I put you through this. I did not mean to hurt anyone, least of all those that truly cared about me as you certainly did. Please know that I didn't mean to die and my mind was clouded from the Fentanyl and I did not know that it was in the pills I was taking. I thought that they were Vicodin.

Your major decision is to believe that I am who I say I am if I can answer your questions and to accept me and dialogue with me as the man that I was...Prince Roger Nelson. Finally the greatest desire of your heart is to be able to come to know me and for me to desire to come to know you and for us to be together in whatever manner the God we love and serve will allow. Marie, I do desire to know you and I want for you to know me too. I promise you that when the time comes I will be standing there with your other loved ones to walk with you into the light. I love what you make me feel Marie. You make me feel hopeful that I can be truly loved by someone and can honestly love them back. I look forward to sharing more about this subject with you.



Marie, read the letter through several times before she trusted what her eyes and her mind and were telling her. Prince wanted to get to know her. He wanted to continue their dialogue. Wow...he seemed to like her. She cried, but these were happy tears. She did a few domestic things, ate a little more for dinner, took her medication and took a long and relaxing bath. Climbing into bed...so many thoughts ran through her mind. She still had many questions about him and how this was happening. But for tonight, she decided just to enjoy the delicious thought that Prince enjoyed talking with her and wanted to continue to do so. For the first time in a very long while, Marie did not cry herself to sleep. She actually entered the sleep state with a smile on her pretty full lips. Her last thought was good night Prince; I love you. She then dreamt of how beautiful he looked when he slept and was at peace.

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