Letters to Prince, Chapter 17

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He Loves Me

Marie opened her valise with trembling hands. He had answered so quickly and she was both excited and a little fearful of what he had to say. Did she wait to long to write him back the last time? Had he changed his mind? Well she would open the letter and know whatever it was. She pulled today's letter out of the valise and looked first at the beautiful cursive writing without taking in the words. She closed her eyes and pictured in her mind his beautiful hands and then his right hand gripping a pen and writing her name...Marie on paper. Opening her eyes, she read his letter and then read the last line several times.

" I love you Marie, and I have never been so glad that another human being, you, loves me back". Her eyes filled with tears and her lips curved into a smile. He really loves me...wow she thought. Reaching across the desk she pulled a tissue out of the decorative box and wiped her eyes. Then she began to write.

My Dearest Prince,

Your letter warmed my heart and touched my soul. In all of my days, I would have never believed that I would ever hear or read such words from you being directed to me, even though it was the greatest of my secret desires. You are glad I love you back...wow...just wow. I am so happy at this moment I want to freeze it somehow so that I will always remember the butterflies I feel in my tummy and the rapid beating of my heart and the endless smile that has positioned itself on my face and the loving tears that have found their way into my eyes. I want to remember this feeling forever, and I want to be with you for longer than that!

I do have questions...so many my mind cannot keep up. So I will begin by asking this...Prince what would you have liked to have known about the first day after you had taken your last earthly breath? What would have made your transition more pleasant or easier? What should I expect that might be surprising to me? Will I really see Jesus up close and the Father also? Will they talk to me? Will I spend a good amount of time with you? Is that allowed?

Oh Prince, I am so excited at the prospect of seeing you and coming to know you and being able to love you and be loved by you. I hope you will not be disappointed with me in any way. I know I will not be with you. Your words have increased my hope for things to come and given me a quiet resolve to finish what I must well.

I have said it many, many times, but only because it is true.

I love you Prince and I always will,


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