Letters To Prince-Chapter 22

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Love Thy Will Be Done

Love Thy Will Be Done

Dear Marie,

I got your letter and while I am saddened at your fatigue level, I know it is a part of the process and is to be expected. I am very pleased to hear that the pain is being well managed though. I think of you many times during the day and pray for your soul to be strengthened as you prepare to end one journey and begin another. I am so happy to hear that your daughter and grandchildren are hanging in there with you. Having family that cares helps to lessen every burden known to man no matter how heavy. Not having them makes things far more difficult...believe you me!

It is funny that you speak of sitting on a two person swing and holding hands. I have one on my little cottage here in heaven. The porch is surrounded by beautiful flowers some species of which only exist here...and the fragrance is wonderful. It is a soft and gentle fragrance much like lavender or some varieties of orchids give off. It is truly heavenly...excuse the pun. I have been dreaming a lot also...mostly about seeing you for the first time as you enter the light. I am so eager for that moment...although I do not want to take even one second away from the human experience you are completing. I just selfishly want you here where I may be close to you and share lovely gentle moments with you at my side. I hope you will forgive my selfishness but I honestly can't help it. I have not been excited about a woman in a very long time...and while it can lead to longing..I am very glad I am experiencing it again. It is funny but I think in my dream I saw what you look like. And if what I saw is correct, I am a very blessed man indeed.

Well I am going to rehearsal with the Angelic Choir but know that I will be thinking of you every day until I am in your presence. I feel so blessed that you want to be mine.

Have no doubts Marie.

I truly have fallen in love with the sweetness of who you are.

Soon my sweet girl,


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