Prologue - Kingdom of Eviona

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A long time ago..

The kingdom of Eviona lived in harmony and peace. Birds would sing in the northern woods. Horses would run free in the landscapes of Eviona. Fishes would dance in the southern seas. Eviona was truly magical in every way.

Five giant trees, known as the Mother Trees of Eviona, had been spread around the entire kingdom since its existence. One in the north, one in the east, one in the west, one in the south and one in the centre of Eviona. These Mother Trees gave the inhabitants of Eviona magical powers. With their unique abilities, the inhabitants worked together to help nature exist in its current state; beautifully alive.

Elves needed to have a link with one of the Mother Trees, if they wanted to be able to use their magical powers. Once an elf had become eighteen years old, one of the Mother Trees creates a link with them during their ceremony which held at the location of the Mother Tree.

However, the elves are not the only inhabitants of Eviona. Fairies had lived among them since the beginning of time. The fairies always had been in charge of insuring Eviona's future. It was their task to keep the balance in Eviona and protect the legacy of nature, life.

Therefore, the fairies were far more gifted than the elves. Fairies created a link with one of the Mother Trees of Eviona the exact moment they are born. However, fairies could only link with the Mother Tree of the area they are born in, unless they are born in the centre of Eviona where the fifth Mother Tree is. It holds a special name, the Tree of Life, the most beautiful and biggest mother tree.

No elf, no fairy, has been able to create a link with the Tree of Life. Only their Goddess, Eira, was that strong to create a link with the Tree of Life. Nobody knows why Eira could link with the Tree of Life, all they knew, was that Eira saved Eviona during a dark period which made her known as their Goddess.

Years after Eira, centuries even, the inhabitants had become more on their own. The fairies all lived together as one in around the centre of Eviona, in Flores, while the elves had grown into their own communities separated by the Mother Trees locations.

This once undivided kingdom had now been divided in several regions. Each region was having its own house that ruled over the elves who had chosen them to be their leader.

In the north, you found the house of Northwind; a strong house name that had been known for their heroic deeds in during The War of Kings. In the west, you found the house of Westwind who had been working very close with Northwind for years during their mutual interests. However, Westwind elf-men were known to be hot tempered. In the east, you found the house of Highland; They were the most popular among the elves, their morals inspirited many and their actions always showed they knew what they were doing. And in the south, the elves were ruled by the house of High Moon Elf who had no intention of working together with one of the other elf kingdoms nor the fairies.


Baldwin is one of the elves living in Eviona. Actually, he is a not just any elf. Baldwin is the crown prince of Northwind, heir to the Northern throne, second-in-command of the Northern armies, son of Elsdon The Victorious.

Unfortunately, Baldwin never got his link with the Mother Tree of Northwind during his ceremony. It made him a bitter and heartless elf-man.

Baldwin believed the fairies had brought the links of the elves in danger. He was certain that they were claiming too much power of the Mother Trees, causing conflict with the links of the elves like himself. Baldwin couldn't rest until he had found a way to get a link with the Mother Tree of Northwind, no matter what cost that would be.

He spent a lot of time finding and reading ancient script-rolls written in the fairy language to find out what's wrong with him. It took Baldwin ages to figure out the fairy language but he managed to do so in 1499 A.E.

Baldwin learnt through one of the script-rolls he had stolen from the fairies; whenever a fairy dies, their power turns into energy that stores into the Crystal Cave of Eviona, a sacred place of the fairies, which is located under the Tree of Life.

He had never heard of this cave before. None of the elves had.

In this cave, a giant crystal has been holding most of the fairy energy for many and many years, going back to the time of Eira herself. The energy of the crystals comes free whenever the Tree of Life itself channels that energy into a new link with a fairy.

"A link with the Tree of Life gives a fairy the powers of their fairy ancestors when Eviona needs them the most."

Apparently, these fairy links were built up a lot more interesting than the elves had thought.

Shortly after Baldwin had read that part of the script-roll, he left Flores, the homebase of the fairies, and went to the Tree of Life to find this unknown crystal cave. It surprised him how the script-roll was true about its location. Baldwin didn't hesitate a second longer and went inside the cave.

There he saw it, a giant crystal in the centre of the cave surrounded by other crystals that held some of the fairy energy as well. They were shining bright, lighting the entire cave with their pink aura. Amazed by it, Baldwin touched the giant crystal. He felt the fairy energy entering his body. He felt the powers of fairies running through his veins.

It was that moment Baldwin knew what to do.

He had to kill all the fairies.


Author Note

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