Chapter 1 - The Mission of The Wind

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Month 2, Day 4, 1518 A.E.

Eviona; Westwind; Flamestorm


It was early in the morning in Westwind. The sun shined through the curtains of the windows in the dining room. It was the only thing bright in the room. The entire atmosphere of the dining room felt cold and dark.

The King of Westwind, his daughter Jewel and the assassin Hiro sat down at the table while the servants were serving their meal. However, Jewel was awfully quiet ever since last night's events. Hiro wondered what could have happened to her but he assumed the worst. When Orion left for a meeting, Hiro asked her what was on going on. She told him what happened after he had left her room. Hiro felt anger and guilt.

"I should have never left you alone. Of course, The Fairy Rapist would knock on your door. It's my fault," he said frustrated. Hiro blamed himself for what happened last night. He could have prevented it. "How could I be so foolish?"

Jewel smiled kindly, "It's not your fault, Hiro. It would have happened either way. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow." She laughed about it but deep down she was crying.

Hiro looked at her. He couldn't stand seeing her sad. Hiro never had so much compassion for someone. Not even Baldwin, the elf-man who particularly raised him for his entire life.

"I promise you, Jewel. I'll make sure Orion never lays a finger on you again!" Hiro smashed on the table and left.


Hiro stormed the meeting room in, all elf-captains were shocked by his entrance. Everyone in the room knew about Hiro's skills. You didn't want to be on his bad side, it was known to be ugly.

"Hiro?" asked Orion carefully, yet annoyed.

"I want to make a deal."


"Yes now."

The elf-captains looked at each other. What in the name of Eira was going on?

"You already disturbed us. Go ahead."

Orion sat comfortably in his chair. He touched his crystal amulet that Baldwin had given him a few years ago. It was one of the rare fairy energy crystals.

"Thank you." Hiro walked towards the giant map of Eviona that was hanged up at the wall. He pointed at the east, Highland to be exact. "I assume you all are thinking of how to destroy them."

"Yes, Baldwin want us to get it done before the year is over," said Orion.

"I can get it done in a week."

The elf-captains looked surprised.

"That's nonsense!" yelled one of the older elf-captains.

"Hear him out," demanded Orion. "Explain."

Hiro pointed at the sketch of Avalon The Great.


"It's simple. All I have to do, is kill him. Without Avalon, who will lead Highland? They will be weak and vulnerable after his death. Do you really think the heiress can stand against us?"

"What about his wife? Avrilla?"

"I don't kill mothers," he said tormented. "Your men can do that when you attack Highland from the West. I'll disable their camps close to the Western border on my way there, and then you finish them off once I have killed Avalon."

"And what do you want in return?" Orion liked Hiro's plan.


It was awfully quiet after Hiro had said that.

"You became addicted to her after one night?!" he laughed.

"Do we have a deal or not?"

Orion was thinking, "If you want Jewel, I want their youngest princess in return."

Gross pig.

"I heard she is some beauty. Bring her to me alive and unharmed," he laughed.

"Deal." Hiro couldn't care any less about what would happen to the princess of Highland. All he cared about was Jewel. "One more thing. You leave Jewel alone until I return."

Orion kept laughing, "Does Hiro have a crush?"

Hiro threw a small blade close to Orion's neck. He missed it by purpose. All elf-captains quickly stood up and surrounded Hiro with their swords.

"I missed." He smirked at Orion.

Orion almost choked, "Yes, he did."

"Come on, boys. Can't y'all laugh a little?" Hiro looked at them.

"Men, put your swords down," laughed Orion. Hiro's presence surely humoured him. The elf-captains did what Orion commanded. Hiro petted one of them on their shoulders.

"For the record, you all would have ended up in the healer's hands." Hiro smiled while he showed his blade for a few seconds. Orion's laugh had faded.

"You better succeed now, Hiro!" he yelled as Hiro walked out.

"Have I ever failed a mission?"


Author Note

If you enjoyed this part, please do comment & vote, I love interacting with readers! ♡


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