Prologue - King of Northwind

79 12 44


1499 A.E.

Eviona; Northwind; Nightfall


Baldwin had returned home with one of the smaller crystals to show his father how the fairy energy could change everything for the elves, and himself. He stood in front of his father Elsdon, the king of Northwind. He was sitting on something that looked awfully close to a throne, it was made out of stones that came out of the Mountain area he was named after, the Elsdon.

Baldwin and Elsdon were alone in the throne room of their castle. The curtains were closed, making it a very cold place to be. Only a few candle lights could make you see the room, yet it gave a thrilling vibe to it. The only thing that gave the throne room some sort of life was a painting hanged up on the wall behind the throne. It was a portrait of Baldwin's mother, Roselynn of Northwind, Baldwin never really got to know her. She died during the War of Kings when he was only four years old.

"What are you suggesting, my son?" asked Elsdon after Baldwin had told him about his discovering.

The elf-king with long grey hair looked uninterested. He had a some sort of crown in shape of a tornado on his head. He wore a long black coat that covered most of his body. Elsdon looked young for an old elf-man.

"Father, I say, we take the crystals for our own. The fairies have been lying to us with these secrets of theirs! They keep us dumb and unpowered while we could use these for so much more as elves!" Baldwin did adjust the truth a little bit to make his father hate the fairies like he does.

"That doesn't seem like a thing what the fairies would do, Baldwin."

Elsdon was well aware of his son and his mysterious plans. Ever since Baldwin didn't get his link, he had noticed how his son had changed over the years.

Of course, you won't believe me.

"Father, they have been manipulating all of us to use these crystals for themselves. You can read it all here!" Baldwin showed the ancient script-rolls.

You can't read it, you won't know the truth. Haha.

"Bishop, can you read this?"

A very old elf, older than Elsdon, came out the shadows. He was wearing black clothing. The elf-man looked well mannered and wise, Bishop was known as Bishop The Wise after all. He walked towards Baldwin and took the script-roll out of his hands.

Baldwin became nervous. He had forgotten about Bishop's ability to read the language.

"Hmm," he mumbled. "Fairy language. Where did you learn that, Baldwin?" asked Bishop curiously.

From a fairy whom I have kind of kidnapped.

"It took me forever to understand the language but I managed to do so, Bishop," said Baldwin with confidence in his voice.

Both Elsdon as Bishop didn't trust his words. They had known Baldwin long enough to know he was up to something.

"Don't you want to more power, father?" he smiled evil. Baldwin saw that Elsdon was insulted.

"Baldwin of Northwind, you don't speak to your father like that! You have been accusing the fairies long enough. But this is madness! Once Bishop figures out what this script-roll is about and we figure out that you have been lying again, I will be done with you."

Madness is that you won't ever help me get what I want, father.

"Fine." Aggressively, Baldwin stormed out of the room.

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