Chapter 1 - No Escape

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Month 2, Day 8, 1518 A.E.

Eviona; Highland


"Hmph." Avalon tried to make his ties looser. He looked at Hiro to make sure he wasn't on to his doing. Hiro was asleep, sleeping like a baby. This was Avalon's chance to get away. Away from here.

Almost there...

Come on.

You can do it, Al. Just a bit more.

Wait.. where did the boy go?

"Oh, Avalon. You're getting rusty. How old are you? Like hundred? Maybe?" Hiro appeared out of the shadows.

"How did you," said the confused Avalon as he was trying to figure out how Hiro got out of his bed unnoticed.

Hiro smiled while he made the ties tighter, "I am the best assassin out there." Avalon rolled with his eyes at him. Hiro went back to the bed he made out of a few blankets.

"You're not going to hurt me for trying to escape? You really are a complicated one, aren't you?"

Hiro yawned, "Well, you didn't really succeed it, old man."

This kid. Did he really just call me 'old man'.

"I'm not an old man, I am not even passed two hundred." Avalon was offended. Hiro laughed at him. "Baldwin and Orion are older than me. I, however, am still young if we compare our long elf lives."

Hiro nodded, "Good point." He smiled. "Don't try to escape again. Night." Hiro closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Avalon just stared at him.

I still don't understand him.

He has to kill me but all he did so far wasn't even close to hurting me.

Why does he keep me alive?

What kind of twisted game is he playing?

Or is he just being..kind?


Month 2, Day 7, 1518 A.E.

Eviona; Westwind; Flamestorm


"My beloved Jewel," said Orion as he walked into the library of their home. Jewel was surprised to see him. This was the first time he approached her ever since Hiro had left. Nevertheless, Orion never came here around this time of the day.

"Ff-father," she stuttered as Orion stood next to her. He touched her arm. She tried to hide the fact that she was afraid.

"I have missed you, child." He pushed her against a row full with books. Orion moved down his hands to her thighs. She was absolutely terrified.

I knew it.

I knew this would happen either way.

I knew it...

Afraid of him, Jewel was about to cry but then he let her go. Orion just brutally laughed at her.

"You're even more pathetic than you were before." He yelled for the guards. "Bring the young maiden to my chambers." The guards nodded and ran off.

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