Chapter 1 - Missing

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Month 2, Day 4, 1518 A.E.

Eviona; Westwind; Flamestorm


Hiro just got done backing his bag. He had everything to begin his quest.

"When are you leaving?" asked Jewel.

He tried to say it as kindly as possible, "Now."

Jewel looked both shocked as upset that Hiro wanted to leave right away.

"Can't you wait until the morning?"

"It is morning in the east. I better use my time wisely." He opened his bag. Hiro looked for something.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Here." Hiro handed over a whistle.

"A whistle?" she said rather sarcastic. "What do I need to do with a whistle, Hiro?"

He laughed, "I understand that you are confused."


"Don't you see it?"

Jewel observed the whistle. It shocked her. She saw that the white whistle had a very tiny red bird on it.

"Is it a real-"

"A real Red Whistle," he interrupted.

Her mouth was wide open, she was so shocked.

"How? When? I..."

Hiro laughed.

"Yup, I got a Red Whistle."

"You stole it."

Hiro sounded offended, "Ouch, Jewels."

"Then tell me. How did the most successful assassin of The Wind get a RED WHISTLE?!"

He smiled kindly.

"Gifted by Milady Whistle herself or as some known her, Lady Whistle, Mistress of The Wind, Red Widow, Empress Claw.."

Jewel looked like someone told her fairies were still alive.

"I think she also goes by the name Duchess if I'm not mistaken." He thought for a few seconds.. "Not too sure about that one, I just call her Birdie."

Jewel still looked shocked.

He nicknamed her, HER?!

She was eager to hear more about him and the famous Milady Whistle. Well actually, she just wondered if the two were dating.


"Uhh, I would love to tell you the full story some other time but right now, I really need to get going."

She was looking down to admire the whistle.

"If Orion does anything to you, all you have to do, is whistle on the whistle."

Goodbye Jewel..

"H-," Jewel moved up her head but Hiro was nowhere to be seen. "-iro.." She sighed deeply.

Another time then..


Month 2, Day 6, 1518 A.E.

Eviona; Highland; High Hill


A few hours after Amethyst's awaking. she had told her family about her latest dream. Avalon was shocked and wanted to know more about her strange dream. Amethyst told everything about the dream that she could remember and even showed her notebook.

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